Sunday, May 23, 2010

Physics graded assignments ( reg 35 )

1)How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90(degrees)?
The smaller the angle, there would be more images the mirror would produce.

2) What happens to the images of this angle if it is bigger than 90(degrees)?
Similarly, the bigger the angle, there would be lesser images the mirror would produce.

3) How do mirrors produce funny images?Concave mirrors " stretches " your image sideways, causing it to look fat. Convex mirrors however, causes your image to look thin as it is dented in the middle.

Tan Chee Yoong (35)

Chemistry Assignment ( Reg. 35 )

(1 ) Microwaved food is believed to contain microwaves. How safe is microwaved food ?
Eating microwaved food causes significant changes in blood chemistry over time. A decrease in hemoglobin and cholesterol values, in the HDL (good cholesterol) versus LDL (bad cholesterol) ratio and in white blood cells, weakening the immune system, and an increase in leukocyte levels, which tends to indicate poisoning and cell damage. Eating microwaved foods can cause degenerative diseases or cancer as well.

Microwaves are used in gene-altering technology to deliberately break cells and neutralize their "life-force" so they can be manipulated. Microwaves destroy the life-force that gives food its vitality and nourishment. When this life-force depletes, microorganisms start breaking the food down and will start to rot.

In conclusion, the safest way to heat up your food is to use the stove and not by microwaving.

(2) Reports have linked charred food to cancer. How safe is BBQ food ?
The reports mainly focus on scientific studies involving benz pyrenes. Benz pyrenes are carcinogenic particles found in charred foods. Based on studies with laboratory rats, scientists found that ingesting large amounts of benz pyrenes may cause cancer. The average person would need to eat heavily charred foods at each meal in order to replicate the studies. On average, people eat grilled foods once or twice a week at most. If food is heavily charred, people typically throw it away and start over, or at least cut that part off. In conclusion, BBQ food is quite safe even if you do get your food a little bit charred. People with common sense would just cut the charred part off. If the food gets burnt to a crisp, people would just throw it away and redo it. Thus, chances of getting cancer by ingesting charred food is very slim.

Source(s): and

Tan Chee Yoong