Saturday, April 17, 2010

Networking Project for Science Chemistry

Dear all, here's the assignment for your Networking Project.
Simply post your thoughts and findings on any of the two topics provided:

(1 ) Microwaved food is believed to contain microwaves. How safe is microwaved food ?

(2) Reports have linked charred food to cancer. How safe is BBQ food ?

Your posts will be graded based on the following
(a) accuracy
(b) content: use of text, pictures, animation (video clips) etc.

Lastly, please remember to provide the links which you have used.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The above animal here , should be living in country like Africa or some dessert as it is in small size and has little furs . It has long tongue and small mouth , it might eat some insects or small size animal as it's long tongue can used to catch insects and it's mouth to eat small size animal . The role of this animal , maybe is to kill all the insects and small size animal to have a better land of its own .

Yes there is a difference in asymmetry between the sexes. However it does not differ only between the sexes. It differs between everyone. Everyone has different facial expressions and facial features. Asymmetry is also dependant on age as slow signs such as wrinkles, bags, fatty deposits, teeth, and pigmentation, which changes with age. As everybody has their own unique looks and features, there will be a difference in asymmetry between different cultures. Difference in asymmetry will not be affected by the difference in culture. There is nobody that will look the same, just alike. Also, research indicates that chimpanzees' facial expressions are asymmetric, with a greater involvement of the left side of the face in the production of emotional responses thus this shows that animals have asymmetric facial expressions. The difference between right handers and left handers are that they use the different side of the brain. Right-handers use left brain and left-handers use right brain. Their facial features will not be affected

The skin on our body contains melanocyte cells produce melanin . The sun rays provide the energy for melanin production in our skin as they are living things . As for hair , the sun light break down the melanin and other cells in the hair . Hair is a non living fibrous protein .
Vegetable does contain oil it in , but it is just used to carry out the processes . Thus , vegetable oil gets it oil from vegetable .
The cockroach breath through spiracles which are in each body segment . Their blood doesn't carry oxygen to the tissue . The cockroach does not have blood pressure like other animal , thus cutting it head would not result to bleeding . Cockroach can breath through every spiracles in each body segment , thus drowing it , it still can be breathing for quite long .


e learning assignment part 3 (reg 34)

1.Male seahorses do not get pregnant.They do not produce the egg by themeselves.They receive an agg sac from the female then the male carries it in a pocket like a kangaroo.It will takes week for the male to fertilize the egg as it is waiting for the right moment to ensure that its offspring has the graetest chance of survival.When the moment is right, the male will eject the offspring from his pocket. 2.Sound travel 15 times faster through steel than through the air because the denser a substance,the faster the sound will travel.Just like how different molecules in the gas affect the trasmission of the sound. 3.The purpose to blinking is to fill our eyes with moisture,so it will not be too dry. 4.It involves 34 facial muscles & 112 postural.


There is a difference in asymmetry between sexes. Not only between sexes, everybody differs in asymmetry and their behaviour. People also differ in the way they sovle problems and this behaviour is called their intellectual or cognitive . The brain is the centre for dealing problems, therefore there must be some way in which brains differ slightly from one person to another. Difference between the left and right hemispheres is that the left hemisphere is important for all forms of communications. The right hemisphere does not involve much in communication but it can help us to understand words to some extent. It specializes in receiving and analysing information. The temporal lobe (in the lower part of the hemisphere) analyses much of the auditory input, while the occipital and parietal lobes (in the rear and upper regions) provide information about where objects are. The frontal lobes in each hemisphere seem to be important in planning our actions.Age do not affect the asymmetry facial expression. Research has proved that culture is a determining factor to facial emotions.These cultural differences are also noticeable in computer emoticons, which are used to express a writer's emotions over mails and text messaging. The Japanese emoticons for happiness and sadness vary in terms of how the eyes are depicted, while American emoticons vary with the direction of the mouth. In the United States the emoticons : ) and : - ) denote a happy face, whereas the emoticons :( or : - ( denote a sad face. However, Japanese tend to use the symbol (^_^) to indicate a happy face, and (;_;) to indicate a sad face.People have asymmetry facial expressions. Asymmetry of facial expression is common with unilateral lesions of the facial nucleus or nerve in most species. so that means cats and dogs also have asymmetry facial expressions. The results of this study prove that the hypothesis of the left side of the face should reveal more emotional intensity because the right brain hemisphere is thought to be more dominant in emotional expression.

Part 3 31-39

1. Male seahorses get pregnant! Is this true? How?

Yes, it is true that male seahorses get pregnant! After the female and male seahorse have mated, the female seahorse inserts its ovipositor into the male's brood pouch and deposits dozens to thousands of eggs! The male then fertilizes the eggs inside his pouch.

2. Sound travels 15 times faster through steel than through the air. Why?

The molecules in a solid are arranged very closely together with little to no spacing at all. As the molecules in gas are arranged very far apart from each other, sound travels faster in it than in solids.

3. Infants blink only once or twice a minute while adults average around 10. Why do we blink so many times? What is the purpose of blinking?!

When we blink, our eyes secrete a liquid that helps to lubricate them and keeps our eyes from becoming dry. Blinking also protects our eyes from irritants as our eyelashes helps to ward off dust and other irritants. The reason why adults blink more than infants is because infants do not require as much eye lubrication than adults because of the small opening between their eyelids. Additionally, infants do not produce tears during their first month of life and they also sleep more than adults.

4. French kissing involves all 34 muscles in the face. Really? Which 34 muscles on the face? Show me a diagram and explain how it works!

[Can't find any information on this]

E-learning part 3 ( Reg 31 - 39 )

1. Male seahorses get pregnant! Is this true? How?
Male seahorses do not get pregnant. The male seahorses do not produce the egg themselves. But they receive from the female an "egg sac" which he carries in a a pocket similar to a kangaroo's. The male will then fertilize the eggs when  he thinks that the offspring's chances of survival upon hatching is the greatest. When the eggs gets ejected out of the male, the offspring is left to fend for itself.

2. Sound travels 15 times faster through steel than through the air.Why?
Molecules in a solid are arranged very closely together with little or none spacing at all. While molecules in a gas are arranged far apart with alot of space in between. Thus, sound can travel faster in steel as compared to air.

3. Infants blink only once or twice a minute while adults average around 10. Why do we blink so many times? What is the purpose of blinking?!
Our body is designed to blink often. The brain automatically causes a blink when the liquid film that covers the eye begins to cool the eye that is being open in order to replace the lost liquid. The main purpose of blinking is to lubricate and clean the cornea and the conjunctiva which are the two membranes of the eye.

4. French kissing involves all 34 muscles in the face. Really? Which 34 muscles on the face? Show me a diagram and explain how it works!
Yes a total of 34 facial muscles and 112 postural muscles are used in french kissing.
*P.S Could not find any diagrams for this.

Assignment part 3

Facial Asymmetry is something that is inherent in mankind, that some researchers believe is controlled by the way the brain works. A child might have freer range of asymmetry because he has not trained his face to meet societal standards, unlike an adult, as the child is more "expressive."

E-learning assignment part 3 (reg.1)

Yes, there's a different in asymmetry between the sexes. Women's right-right composites were judged significantly more attractive than left-left composites while there's no left-right difference in men's composites.

As people grow older and older. Their faces will start growing wrinkles and their face's condition is not as good as in before. They will definitely look older as their age increase.

There are many types of people in this world. They can look very different from each other. Some people can have very dark skin while some can have very fair skin. It depends on how they look.

When the animal eats or drinks, food and fluids may fall from the lips. The animal may drool excessively, and food may collect between the lips and teeth.In small animals like dogs and cats with facial paralysis, the palpebral fissure may be slightly larger on the affected side

Assignment Part 2

What would happen if the freezing point of water became 10 degrees C?

Freezing is the process in which a liquid turns into a solid when cold enough. The freezing point is the temperature at which this happens. In this case, water will freeze at 10°C,

Normally, water freezes at 0°C. Countries with temperatures near this would be affected with their water turning into ice, such as the South Pole or Alaska as this countries live in a temperature of less than 0 degree Celsius. however, making the freezing point lower would be dangerous for the delicate balance of our ecosystem, where more water would freeze up, cutting water supply in areas such as Greenland. this is because water is denser than ice and the ice would float on the water, making access to water difficult. moreover, i think that it would be colder if this were to happen.

E-Learning Part 3

1) Sunlight is able to bleach wood, and decompose plastic. It is able to make our hair grow lighter as the sunlight break down the molecular layer of the hair. The molecular layer helps to absorb the heat and light from the sunlight, without it, our hair would not be able to absorb the heat and light, thus our hair will grow lighter. Our skin darkens under the sunlight is because it prevent our skin from getting whiter, like our hair. 2) The vegetable stores oil in them to act as a source of energy to them. They would use it when they do not have enough energy. Vegetable oil is called that because of it does not contain any animal oil, and the vegetable oil is mostly unsaturated. So it stills contain fats but more heathly. 3) If the cockroach's head is cut off, it can still survive for a long time, maybe even for a month. Their nose also are not located at their head, so even after cutting off their head, they can breath through spiracles which are in each body segments. The spiracles then transport the air through a set of tubes called tracheae. The brain do not control the spiracles, so it can move freely. The blood do not carry oxygen to the tissue and the cockroach do not have blood pressure like mammal so it would not lose much blood if one part of the body is cut off. The cockroach do not need much food when they are inactive. A meal for them can last for about a month if the cockroach is not extremely active. If the cockroach do not have a head, it would just stay at a spot, not moving. The cockroach can swim and hold its breath for 40 minutes as it breath through its side, not their nose, so it is easier for them. YongHao.

Assignment Part 1

The Aeroplane. In December 17 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright, better know as the Wright Brothers made the first successful powered flight in history! The place was Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The Wright Brothers' dream of inventing a flying machine had come true.

It all started when Orville was 7 and Wilbur was 11 years old. Their father, Bishop Milton Wright, gave them a toy helicopter that actually flew. That toy made them dream of flying. Their parents helped them go after their dreams.

Their first flight lasted 12 seconds. It went 120 feet. Their second and third flights went up about 175 feet each. Wilbur flew the fourth flight of the day. It went 859 feet. It took 59 seconds. After that last flight, the wind blew very hard. It blew the Flyer across the sand. The plane was too smashed up to fly again. The Wright Brothers however, kept studying and testing new designs. They wanted to make their Flyer better. After they were successful, they began to teach others to fly, even opening their own flying school. They are will continue to be role models for many out there with impossible dreams of their own.

The fascinating aspect that blew my mind away was the fact that humans could actually have the ability to be in the air, as opposed to being bounded by gravity and stuck to the ground. this was a momentous occasion in history that had lead to other, more sophisticated versions of the plane. another aspect that blew my mind was the dedication shown by the Wright brothers, they persevered and did not give up, successfully achieving their dreams.

Assignment part3

No, the temperature cycle is the same.Age, level of activity and health conditions are the factors affecting the body temperature.Yes the outside weather conditions affect body temperature.Under a hot weather a person's body temperature rises.Elderly do not regulate their bod temperature well like how adults does. Body temperature of an individual decreases as they grow older. Exercising at different times of the day will also affect our body temperature. Our body temperature is lowest at 3 am , and it is highest at 6 pm. The higher the level of activity, the higher the body temperature is. The body temperature affects our mood , when our body temperature is high we tend to be irritated and angry causing us to be unable to concentrate well.

E-learning assignment part 2 (reg.1)

Have you ever think of why ice float? Like most things that float, ice floats because it is less dense than liquid water. Ice is about 9% less dense. When ice forms, it takes up about 9% more space than it did as a liquid. But in this case, if the freezing point becomes 10 degree c, the liquid get denser and couldn't float on the water anymore.

Many cold countries like greenland will face a greatly decrease of water supply. It will affect people's lives many other living organisms will also suffer. Most of the things get frozen easily and i'm sure that this will be a disaster to all those countries.
Asymmetry of the face, head and skull man

There is definitely difference in assymetry between the sexes.This is due to the different lifestyles and different genetic compositions of individuals.As a result,morphological structures-jaws,left or right side of face- would be different.There is no perfect symmetry,just that women has better symmetry in echoism, harmonium and prima copulism in order to attract the males.

As one ages,their cells degenerate and their bodily functions deteriorate.Thus wrinkles and formed,and this would further change the structure of face.

Different groups of people would have different facial colour,facial hair length, etc. For example,sikhs are encouraged to grow longer beards while others don't.

It is almost genetically impossible for any organisms to demonstrate asymmetric facial expression. In living nature, as in the material world in general, there is no completely symmetric or completely asymmetric objects.

Animals may have neural pathways for skills with one hand (or paw) that takes less effort than doing the same with both hands. This goes with humans where we would only need one hand to write.

E Learning Part 2(Reg 11-20)

What would be the effect if a spaceship landed, and the aliens in it estimate that they are 400 years ahead of us. What would happen if they offered us all their scientific knowledge? Would it be good or bad? Why?
I think that it can be bad or the other way round as it may be good to have a very modern technology that was from 4oo years ahead of us but did we think about what will happen to the Earth if we were to have such modern scientific technology? Will the technology cause more harm to the Earth? If were to cause more harm to the Earth and cause the lifespan of the Earth to shortened, i will think that it is bad and i rather not have such technolgy.

E-learning Part 1(Invention of Television)

In 1884 Paul Gottlieb Nipkow, a 23-year old university student in Germany, patented the first electromechanical television system which employed a scanning disk, a spinning disk with a series of holes spiraling toward the center, for rasterization. The holes were spaced at equal angular intervals such that in a single rotation the disk would allow light to pass through each hole and onto a light-sensitive selenium sensor which produced the electrical pulses. As an image was focused on the rotating disk, each hole captured a horizontal "slice" of the whole image.
Nipkow's design would not be practical until advances in
amplifier tube technology became available. The device was only useful for transmitting still "halftone" images — represented by equally spaced dots of varying size — over telegraph or telephone lines. Later designs would use a rotating mirror-drum scanner to capture the image and a cathode ray tube (CRT) as a display device, but moving images were still not possible, due to the poor sensitivity of the selenium sensors. In 1907 Russian scientist Boris Rosing became the first inventor to use a CRT in the receiver of an experimental television system. He used mirror-drum scanning to transmit simple geometric shapes to the CRT.
Scottish inventor
John Logie Baird demonstrated the transmission of moving silhouette images in London in 1925, and of moving, monochromatic images in 1926. Baird's scanning disk produced an image of 30 lines resolution, just enough to discern a human face, from a double spiral of lenses. Remarkably, in 1927 Baird also invented the world's first video recording system, "Phonovision" — by modulating the output signal of his TV camera down to the audio range he was able to capture the signal on a 10-inch wax audio disc using conventional audio recording technology. A handful of Baird's 'Phonovision' recordings survive and these were finally decoded and rendered into viewable images in the 1990s using modern digital signal-processing technology.

Elearning part 3 - [Register number 24, Kenneth Chua]

1) People who live in more sunny areas get dark skin than those who live in less sunny environments due to clouds, like in Singapore! Like Thiru! Just joking! HAHA!
People who live in hotter climates get more curly hair and more open nose as a byproduct to reduce heat.
Link -

2) Oil is basically used by plants as a store of energy, just like animals. Plants uses sugar and starches and they tend to be used in more ways than just fuel.
Fats and oils hold more energy, about double the energy. Seeds requires alot of energy to grow, thus, oil is the most efficient storage. That's why oils are usually made from vegetable seeds.
Link -

3) Cockroaches do not ahve blood pressure the way people do. They don't have a huge network of bloog vessels like that of humans, or tiny capillaries that you need a lot of pressure to flow blood through, they have an open circulatory system, which there's much less pressure in.
After you cut their heads off,very often their necks would just seal off by clotting.
They breath through spiracles, or little holes in each body segment. Plus, the cockroach brain does not control their own breathing and blood does not carry oxygen throughout the body. Rather, the spiracles pipe air directly to tissues through a set of tubes called tracheae.
Cockroaches are also cold-blooded, meaning they need much less food than humans do. An insect can survive for weeks on a meal it had in a day. As long as some predator dosen't eat them, they'll just stay quiet and sit around.
Link -

* *
Please visit this website for the video about drowning cockroaches.

What would happen if the freezing point of water became 10 degrees C?

The colder areas would be most affected.
Firstly,organisms may die due to lack of water.People living in colder areas may die as blood freezes too.Furthermore, ships will find it difficult to cross the waters near northern and souther hemisphere.Fishermen will suffer lower fish catches as more waters freeze.As a result,humans have no food and they will die.On the other hand,there would be less floods occurring due to more water freezing to ice at places like Northern US and Canada.We would enjoy more land space due to lower ease of water freezing.Yet,this would mean that plants that thrives at temperatures below 10 degree celsius would be wiped out.In conclusion,if water freezes at 10 degrees Celsius,it would be more of a disaster.
1)Our skin turns darker under the sun light because our body prevents our skin from breaking down. Our hair gets lighter because sunlight breaks down molecular surfaces on our hair 2)The oil in vegetables are actually stored in plants for energy. Vegetables do have fat in them, but healthier than oil from fats. 3)The cockroach can survive almost on anything, it can also survive after a nuclear bomb!The cockroach can live up to a week without dying and without its head, it cannot eat or drink and dies. Cockroaches breath through spiracles which are in each body segment and the blood does not carry oxygen to the tissues. The spiracles deliver air to each cell of the body through a set of tubes called tracheae. The brain does not control the breathing through the spiracles. The cockroach does not have blood pressure in the head like a mammal does and so cutting off the head does not lead to uncontrolled bleeding. Gordon

Task 2 (23)

1)Sunlight has the property to bleach wood, decompose plastic and lighten your hair because sunlight breaks down the molecular layers that absorbs the light and heat. The skin darkens because the natural tanning that occurs is a safety measure to keep the skin from doing the same, breaking down. People who live in more sunny areas get darker skin than those who live in less sunny environments due to clouds, etc. People who live in hotter climates get more curly hair and a more open nose as an end result to reduce heat.

2)oil from plants are mainly extracted from their seeds.

3) The reason that they can hold its breathe so long is that, they shut the holes on it's surface and stop breathing.Cockroaches do not breathe using their mouths. Instead, they breathe through a system of tubes attached to the surface of their body. They only die being unable to eat without a head.

Keith 3e3 23
Air conditioning is the cooling of indoor air for comfort. In a better sense, the term can refer to any form of cooling, heating, ventilation, or disinfection that improves the condition of air. An air conditioner is an appliance, system, or machine designed to stabilise the air temperature and humidity within an area, typically using a refrigeration cycle but sometimes using evaporation, commonly for comfort cooling in buildings and motor vehicles.
The concept of air conditioning is known to have been applied in Ancient Rome, where aqueduct water was circulated through the walls of certain houses to cool them. Similar techniques in medieval Persia involved the use of cisterns and wind towers to cool buildings during the hot season. Modern air conditioning emerged from advances in chemistry during the 19th century, and the first large-scale electrical air conditioning was invented and used in 1902 by Willis Haviland Carrier.

-Keith 3e3 23

question:What would be the effect if a spaceship landed, and the aliens in it estimate that they are 400 years ahead of us. What would happen if they offered us all their scientific knowledge? Would it be good or bad? Why?

answer:as said that the aliens are 400 years ahead of us and if the aliens were to offer their scientific knowledge to us,i'm sure that we can solve the problems that earth is currently the different dieases that doesn't have any warming issues that have been causing the world to is good as with their help,the world might be in a better enviroment for us to live in.


E-learning assignment Part 3 (reg 11).

Body temperature can be affected by things like extreme physical activity, ovulation and smoking. The temperature cycle is the same between different genders. However, the age does affect the temperature cycle. Studies have shown that older people will sleep tend to wake up more often after they sleep. Older people not only wake at an earlier clock hour, they also wake at an earlier internal phase of the circadian cycle than young people. A normal, healthy person is able to maintain a constant body temperature of approximately 98.6F despite the temperature of the environment and surroundings. Exercising at different times of the day will not affect your body temperature cycle because it will only make your body feel tired and sleep well. There is a correlation between body temperature and concentration, mood and learning. For instance, if the body temperature is not good, the person will get mood swings easily and he or she will not be able to concentrate as well, thus will is unable to learn anything.


Assignment Part2

What would be the effect if a spaceship landed, and the aliens in it estimate that they are 400 years ahead of us. What would happen if they offered us all their scientific knowledge? Would it be good or bad? Why?

I think it be bad if they offer us all their scientific knowledge as they are way ahead of us. 400 years of science knowledge is a lot, Earth might not be able to accept it. There might even be more destruction in Earth. Though they might have medicines that can cure many illnesses but it might be too strong for the human body to manage.


E Learning part 3. (Reg. 29)

1. Why does the sun make your skin dark but your hair light?

From my research, I've found out that there is a chemical in our skin called melanin. This chemical is released when or skin is exposed to the sun. This is the main reason why there are people who are tanner than others. Melanin is also found in our hair. As our hair has dead cells, the sun bleaches and destroys the melanin in our hair, making it lighter. As our skin is alive, it responds more to the sun by producing more melanin and becoming darker.

2. If vegetables have no fat, why is vegetable oil all fat?

It is true that all vegetables have fat, but they have more unsaturated fat while the fat found in animals is much more saturated. The fat in vegetable oil is definitely much healthier than the fat in animals.

3. Cockroaches are one tough animal. If you cut the head off of a cockroach, it could live for a month without it. And don't try drowning it. The cockroach can hold its breath for 40 minutes!
Find out why & how does the cockroach do that!

Cockroaches do not breathe using their mouths. Instead, they breathe through a system of tubes attached to the spiracles (small openings on the surface of some animals that usually lead to their respiratory systems.) They only die because they have no head to eat with! The reason that they can hold its breathe so long is that, they shut their spiracles and stop breathing. They do this often on land to prevent oxygen from entering, as too much of it can be toxic to them.


The invention of the bicycle

The first vehicle that resembled the bicycle was put together in 1645 in France by Jean Theson. However, it was a four-wheeled machine. About 1816, a two wheel contraption was invented in Germany. The passenger has to sit on a seat and propelled himself by running on the ground.The two wheeled bicycle as we know it today was invented in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, in 1839 by a man named Kirkpatrick Macmillan. The bicycle had no pedals or chain-activated gears. Instead there were two foot pedals attached to rods that connected to the back wheel. Unfortunately his invention never became popular. It was a French father-and-son team, Pierre and Ernest Michaux, to build the bicycle from which the present popularity of the vehicle is derived.

37 part3

1. Male seahorses get pregnant! Is this true? How?
Male seahorses do not get pregnant! They do not produce the eggs themselves. They receive from the female a brood pouch (egg sac). The male then carries the egg pouch in a pocket somewhat like a kangeroo's. The male will take weeks before fertilizing the eggs so as to ensure that the offspring hatch at a time when their chances for survival are good.
2. Sound travels 15 times faster through steel than through the air.Why?
metals are solids whereas air is gas.the metals have free electrons and their atoms are packed closely together and the vibrations of sound can travel faster throngh it.In air, the molecules are far from each other and will take a longer time to travel gas.
3. Infants blink only once or twice a minute while adults average around 10. Why do we blink so many times? What is the purpose of blinking?!
it is because our eyes will become dry.
4. French kissing involves all 34 muscles in the face. Really? Which 34 muscles on the face? Show me a diagram and explain how it works!
Yeah, It involves. 34 facial muscles & 112 postura.

E-learning part 3 (17)

No the temperature cycle is the same , it only depends the body area,the time of the day,the level of physical activity. Age does affect the temperature cycle ,as a baby cannot really control its temperature,the baby temperature will keep go up and down and very not steady.The elderly also have lower temperature as they did not work up usually so their temperature is lower.The weather does affect,when the weather is hot our body temperature will rise a little and when the weather is cold our temperature will also drop a little. When raining our temperature will also decrease abit.Yes exercise at different time of the day does affect body temperature ,example like when you do exercise in the morning,the morning temperature is low so when you work upyour temperature will increase but in the afternoon as the weather is warmer so our temperature will also increase.Yes it does,as our mood affect our behavior and if our mood is bad we will eat less and we will feel weak and we will not concentrate more.

part two e-learning

What would be the effect if a spaceship landed, and the aliens in it estimate that they are 400 years ahead of us. What would happen if they offered us all their scientific knowledge? Would it be good or bad? Why?

If that kind of thing really happen, I would be lost for words! Okay, the key point here will be, spaceship, aliens-400 years ahead, offered all their scientific knowledge.
I think it is both good and bad. The good thing is that, we might be fascinated by some of the things the aliens told us. Such as, the invention of something that might sound egypt to us. Bad thing will be, we might not be able to apply it in our life! Yes, we are fascinated by all those things but think again. What's the use of all that if we can't apply it in our life? And here, I'm not referring to the complex invention the aliens might have invented. I am referring to something that sound unique yet senseless. 400 years ahead of us. There will be lots of things that will not even make sense to us.

E-learning part 2

If the alien offered their scientific kowledge,I think it will be good as if they shared their kniwledge to us maybe the Earth can be saved by their scientific knowledge.
As they are 400 thousand years ahead of us,they can surely fnd ways to stop gobal warming,and more new inventions,maybe like robots too.
And if they shared their scientific knowledge with us and we can maybe dun need to burn coal to get electricity maybe there's one medicine that can cure many diseases that we cannot be able to find a cure now,like AIDS.
So I think it will be good when the kind-hearted aliens' spaceship landed on Earth and offered their scientific knowledge to us.

37 part 2

1. Explain what is wrong with the design.
First of all,the dam is too close to the village and if the dam gives way,the whole village will be destroyed.The wall should not be straight.
2. Why the crack appeared at the location and not anywhere above?
the water currents are stronger at thev bottom.
3. Offer a better design with explanations
make the wall like a v will be able to contain more water and the bottom will be able to take the preasure.

Invention of compass....

A compass is an instrument containing a freely suspended magnetic element which displays the direction of the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field at the point of observation. The magnetic compass is an old chinese invention, probably first made in China.Chinese fortune tellers used lodestone (a mineral composed of an iron oxide which aligns itself in a north-south direction) to construct their fortune telling boards.Eventually someone noticed that the lodestones were better at pointing out real directions, leading to the first compasses. They designed the compass on a square slab which had markings for the cardinal points and the constellations. The pointing needle was a lodestone spoon-shaped device, with a handle that would always point south.

Invention of mobile phone

I have chosen the invention of mobile phone as mobile phone is a must-have tool for everyone. It makes communication easier for everyone. Cliche it may sound, but I think mobile phone is harmful for us. Before I move on with that part, I will tell you more about the invention of mobile phone.

Mobile phone is invented by this two gentlemen, Richard H. Frenkiel and Joel S. Engel.
The big breakthrough came when AT&T Labs researchers Frenkiel and Engel divided wireless communications into a series of cells, then automatically switched callers as they moved so that each cell could be reused. This led to the development of cellular phones and made today’s mobile communications possible.

Even though it is as easy as it is obvious, that mobile phone actually makes our life easier, I seriously think mobile phone is bad for us! The use of mobile phones is a risk factor for health hazards! It has led us to headache, fatigue, dizziness, tension and sleep disturbances in subjects exposed to mobile phones emissions.

In conclusion, I think not all inventions are good for us. Yes, it makes our life easier. But there's a catch; it also makes our life miserable. With that, I rest my case.



1. Is the temperature cycle different between sexes?

Yes. One-third of the body heat is generated by muscle tissue. Men have more muscle mass than women. This means that men have a higher body heat. The main function of the blood is to keep our body warm, thus difference in blood vessels also affect the body temperature. Women have more constricted vessels. This means that they are narrower and give off less heat, therefore, women have a cooler core body temperature Also, women give birth, when they get cold, more blood will be directed to her core to protect their reproduction organ. And for men, if they get cold, blood will only directed to his skin and his extremities.

2. Does age affect the temperature cycle?

Yes. A newborn baby has difficulty in adjusting his body temperature.
His temperature may be up and down. When he is one year old, the parts of his body that control his body temperature are fully developed; his normal body temperature will be stable. For elderly, they have a low body temperature. This is normal. This is because their lower body temperature is caused by changes within his body and by a decrease in physical activity.

3. Does outside weather conditions affect body temperature?

Yes. When we are exposed to hot weather, our body temperature rises. When we exposed to cold weather, our body temperature drops. For example in the cold environment the body loses heat through conduction, convection, evaporation, radiation and breathing. I will give three examples of the following process. 1. Conduction. When our hand touches an ice, heat is passes directly from the body to the colder object. 2. Convection. When we are standing in cold region, wearing only thin clothing, we will lose heat to the cold environment 3. Breathing. Breathing causes body heat to be lost when warm air in the lungs is exhaled into the atmosphere and cooler air is inhaled.

4. Will exercise at different times of the day affect your body temperature cycle?

Yes. Our body temperature is lower in the morning than in the afternoon. This change is due to warmer weather and more physical activity occurring later in the day. When we exercise, our muscles change and stored energy supplies in the body (mainly glucose and fat) into usable energy. During this process, heat is given off. This is why you can warm up in cold weather by doing exercises.

5. Is there a correlation between body temperature and concentration, mood, learning etc.

Yes. When we are excited, happy, scared, sad etc. Our body temperature will increase. The excitement causes our body to increase the rate at which it changes stored food (glucose and fat) into usable energy. As the energy output increases, the amount of heat produced by the body also increases.

Part 3 , 31-39

1) No . The male seahorse don’t have female organs to give birth .
2) Its because , in a steel , like a metal . It has free electrons which
increase the rate of vibration or the rate of transferring vibration . Causing the vibration of sound wave to be able to travel through the steel faster then usual .
3) Each time we blink , moisture will be spread across our eyes . If we don’t blink , our eye will be dry and eventually vision will be worsen .
4) I don’t know how to do

Kengwai [33]

Register 19 Part Two

1. Is the temperature cycle different between sexes?
Most human bodies is generated in the deep organs, such as the liver, brain and heart. Humans have been able to adapt to different climates, like hot humid or the cold. However, high temperatures or cold temperatures can place him in great danger or injury (bleeding lips, bleeding nose), heat stroke or even death. Both of the sexes can gain or lose temperature depending on the surrounding temperature around them or climate. I guess I can safely say there is no big difference of temperature cycle between sexes.

2. Does age affect the temperature cycle?
I'm not really sure about this. However I believe that as we get older, our body muscles and bones tends to be weaker than before? That is why we are encouraged to drink more milk and carry out simple and light exercises. But does age affect the temperature cycle? I think age does affect. We can see older people and babies tend to get sick easily; they are the generations who gets tired easily and do less exercises. Overall, i'm not sure about this.

3. Does outside temperature affect body temperature?
In hot conditions, sweat glands under the skin secrete sweat.
This causes heat loss through evaporative cooling as well as a lot of essential lost of water.
In cold conditions, sweat stopped producing. Muscles under the skin contracts and this results of hairs to stand on end and acts as an insulating layer, trapping heat. This will also causes 'goosebumps' like how most people described as when they feel a shiver throughout their body.

4. Will exercise at different times of the day affect your body temperature cycle?
The time of day and other circumstances affect the body's temperature. Estimated, one's temperature tends to have the lowest value in the second half of the sleep cycle. The body temperature also changes when one is hungry, sleepy or cold. Even when the process of thought changes his body temperature.

5. Is there a correlation between body temperature and concentration, mood, learning etc?
Yes there is a correlation between body temperature and concentration, mood, learning and such. As said above, one's body temperature greatly depends on the activities he carries out. Even if he's thinking, feeling cold, hungy, full of rage, there will be a gain or loss in temperature.

Register 19

If they (aliens) offered us all their scientific knowledge, in my opinion, it will be good. They are the 'future species' who has intelligently thought of the upcoming happenings around us and have experimented much more than our generation has done. On the other hand, this is a mixture of the good and bad. It greatly depends on whether the informations are being used for good or bad intentions.

Assignment Part 3

1. Why does the sun make your skin dark but your hair light?
I know that our hair is dead and our skin is alive. So the skin will absorb the heat and therefore it will be darker. Like baking a cake. The dough is first yellow or white but upon heating in the oven the dough will eventually turn brown!! FNN student mah..

2. If vegetables have no fat, why is vegetable oil all fat?
First of all, oil is basically used by plants as a store of energy, just as in animals. But so are various sugars and starches (carbohydrates) - and they tend to be used in more ways than just for fuel (for example, plant cellulose is a form of carbohydrate). So generally fats aren't needed in plants, they can get by with carbohydrates but,Fats and oils hold more energy than a given amount of carbohydrates - about double the energy. In plants weight doesn't matter much except in the seed - it takes a lot of energy to grow the seed and space (and weight) in a seed is at a premium, so oil is the most efficient storage. That's why oils are usually made from vegetable seeds ... excepting a few anomalous plants like the avocado, which stores oils instead of sugar or starch in the fruit.

3. Cockroaches are one tough animal. If you cut the head off of a cockroach, it could live for a month without it. And don't try drowning it. The cockroach can hold its breath for 40 minutes!
Find out why & how does the cockroach do that!

Well, i do not know how to summarize but, It cant reattach its head.But, it can still survive.
A cockroach can live a week (or) upto a month ( only if conditions are cold ) without its head. The roach only dies because without a mouth, it can't drink water and dies of thirst.

The reason why cockroaches and many insects in general dont die are :

(1) Cockroaches breath through spiracles which are in each body segment and the blood does not carry oxygen to the tissues. The spiracles deliver air to each cell of the body through a set of tubes called tracheae. The brain does not control the breathing through the spiracles.

(2) The cockroach does not have blood pressure the way a mammal does and so cutting off the head does not lead to uncontrolled bleeding.

3) The cockroach is a poikilotherm or cold blooded animal. They need much less food and a one day meal would be enough to last them a whole month as long as they were not extremely active. Without a head the cockroach would just sit around without doing anything much.

All this along with a cool temperature could allow the cockroach to last about a month without need for their head, as long as they did not get infected with a mold, bacterium or virus, which could kill them prematurely.

By Amin (30)

E-Learning Assignment Part 3 (REG NO. 31-39)

1)Male seahorses get pregnant! Is this true? How?
The male seahorses don't really get pregnant as his sexual organs aren't those of a female. Instead, the female seahorse deposits her eggs into an opening in the front of the male's body, and he keeps them in his belly until they hatch, at which time they "squirt" out of him. So yes, in a sense the male seahorse gets pregnant

2)Sound travels 15 times faster through steel than through the air.Why?
Sound travels through steel faster air because of the particles inside the steel. Also , being a metal , there is a free electron inside the solid. So when sound passes through both of these, sound will travel faster through steel because they particles will vibrate faster. Transferring energy faster than through air.

3)Infants blink only once or twice a minute while adults average around 10. Why do we blink so many times? What is the purpose of blinking?!
We blink because it helps to keep our eyes moisturized and prevent any dust particles from entering our eyes.Blinking provide protection for eyes. Imagine if we can't blink . Our eyes will hurt and get disturbance from dust particles.

4)French kissing involves all 34 muscles in the face. Really? Which 34 muscles on the face? Show me a diagram and
Yes , French kissing involves. 34 facial muscles & 112 postura. It is the same amount of muscles needed to blow a kiss.

speed of sound varies. and infants blinking

The speed of sound varies depending on altitude, temperature and the medium through which it travels. When a sound wave hits a molecule it will vibrate, thereby transferring the vibration to adjacent molecules, which is pass on continuously. Sound travels faster through steel as the molecules are close together unlike air which the molecules are far apart.

Normal babies rarely close their eyes, except of course when sleeping. infants blink on average less than twice a minute, a rate that steadily increases up to the age of 14 or 15. Adults, on average, blink about 10 to 15 times a minute.Blinking serves primarily to coat the eyes with tears and remove any dirt or debris from the surface of the cornea. So another theory is that infants, perhaps because their eyes are better protected by smaller openings or because they sleep so much, may require less eye lubrication.


What would happen if the freezing point of water became 10 degrees C?
In a container of ice in it. The ice are at 0°C, which is the melting point of ice and the freezing point of water.
Molecules of ice are constantly escaping into the water (melting), and molecules of water are being captured on the surface of the ice (freezing).
When the rate of freezing is the same as the rate of melting, the amount of ice and the amount of water won't change. The ice and water are said to be in dynamic equilibrium with each other. The ice is melting, and the water is freezing, but both are occurring at the same rate, so there is no net change in either quantity.
This balance will be maintained as long as the water stays at 0°C, or unless something happens to favour one of the processes over the other.  

This time we warm the ice to 10°C.
Now the water molecules are moving more quickly, because they contain much more heat. These faster-moving molecules can't easily be captured by the surface of the ice, so not very many of them freeze. Freezing occurs at a slower rate than melting

Because there are fewer water molecules being captured by the ice (being frozen) than there are ice molecules turning to water, the net result is that the amount of water increases, and the amount of ice decreases.
Since more melting is happening than freezing, the ice eventually all turns to water. 

The countries near the north pole and south pole will most likely freeze up. As the countries are very far away from the equator.

Elearning Part2 (6)

Question: what would happen if the freezing point of water became 10 degrees C?

The water will freeze at 10°C,

Many countries out of the equator will freeze if their temperature is 10°C,or below.
Countries like Greenland, their temperature vary from -9°C, to 7°C, Since water freeze at 0°C, when Greenland is at a temperature higher then 0
°C it will not freeze. However when water freezes at 10°C, it is most likely that Greenland will freeze permanently. Artic, Antarctica and countries nearby will also freeze. Countries which their temperature is below 10°C in winter will also freeze.

Agriculture in countries far away from the equator will also be affected. Imagine if a country's average temperature is at 5
°C. Before you can even water the plants, the water will freeze. This way, the plants will die. Animals feeding on the plants will eventually die too. This will then create a chain reaction which then, animals feeding on animals and people feeding on animals will all be affected.

However since ice is less dense than water, it will always float above the water.

E-Learning Part 2

The animal looks abit like a frog, as it has webbed feets. The feets enable the animal to swim faster than normal aquatic animals. It seems to have spikes on the back of the body, and probably it is to prevent animals from attacking it. It also have a long tail behind, it might help the animal to swim faster. It also had large ears like elephants, it probably can cool down the heat of the animal. It has a long nose and probably can smell its prey from long distance. The height of it is 50cm so it can be quite small as compared to a standing human. It has a long tongue, which looks like a frog, it probably eats the insect. From the appearance, it looks like it live in a swamp or dense area, as it has webbed feets to swim faster and long tongue to eat its prey such as flies. It is probably the predator of flying insects and the predator probably is crocodile. So, i feel that this animal looks weird. Yong Hao.

E- LEARNING ASSIGNMENT PART 1. (the invention of computers)

There are many inventors of the computer. The similar ideas of scientist and engineers led to the invention of the computer. The countries that were involved are Germany, USA and Great Britain. The ideas were carried out during the 1930s – 1940s

In Germany, Konrad Zuse hit upon the idea of building a program-controlled calculating machine when he had to deal with extensive calculations in statics. In 1935, he started to design a program-controlled calculating machine in his parents’ home. It was based on the binary system and used punched tape for the program input. The Z1 was the first such machine to be built between 1936 and 1938 but it was not fully operational. In 1940, he decided to build a successor of Z l and completed the machine that was the first freely programmable program-controlled automatic calculator that was operational in the world.

Similarly, several developments were going on in the USA at the same time. In 1939, IBM started to build a program-controlled relay calculator on the basis of a concept that Howard H. Aiken had put forward in 1937.

However, it was not Aiken's and Stibitz's relay calculators that were decisive for the development of the universal computer but the ENIAC. Extensive ballistic computations were carried out there for the U.S. Army during World War II with the aid of a copy of the analog Differential Analyzer, which had been designed by Vannevar Bush.

Mauchly had adopted John Vincent Atanasoff's idea for an electronic computer. Atanasoff had developed the ABC special-purpose computer at the Iowa State College to solve systems of linear equations. Mauchly had viewed the ABC in June 1940. John Presper Eckert, a young electronic engineer at the Moore School, was responsible for the brilliant engineering of the new ENIAC. The work began on 31 May 1943 with funding from the U.S. Army. In February 1946, successful program runs were demonstrated.

John von Neumann, an influential mathematician, turned his attention to the ENIAC in the summer of 1944. While this computer was being built, von Neumann and the ENIAC team drew up a plan for a successor to the ENIAC. The biggest problem with the ENIAC was that its memory was too small. Eckert suggested a mercury delay-line memory which would increase memory capacity by a factor of 100 compared with the electronic memory used in the ENIAC.

 In meetings with von Neumann, the idea of a stored-program, universal machine evolved. Memory was to be used to store the program in addition to data. This would enable the machine to execute conditional branches and change the flow of the program. The concept of a computer in the modern sense of the word was born.

In spring 1944, von Neumann wrote his "First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC" (Electronic Discrete Variable Computer) which described the stored-program, universal computer. This EDVAC report was originally intended for internal use only but it became the "bible" for computer pioneers throughout the world in the 1940s and 1950s.

The first two computers featuring the von Neumann architecture were not built in America but in Great Britain. On 21 June 1948, Frederic C. Williams of the University of Manchester managed to run the prototype of the Manchester Mark I, and thus proved it was possible to build a stored-program, universal computer. The first really functional von Neumann computer was built by Maurice Wilkes at Cambridge University. This machine called EDSAC first ran a program on 6 May 1949 computing a table of square numbers.
Without computers, many works have to be done by hand and it would take a very long time to do calculations and research without the computers.  The most fascinating aspect  of a computer is how the programmes work  in a computer  and  how it work in doing calculations  efficiently. It will help to save time and lessen people's work burden. It is truly commendable that such ideas were thought of .

Male seahorses do not get pregnant! They do not produce the eggs themselves. They receive the egg from the female brood pouch (egg sac). The male then carries the egg pouch in a pocket (like a kangaroo). He may or may not fertilize the eggs right away.It is all depends on the environmental stresses and threat levels from predators.The male may wait weeks before fertilizing the eggs so as to ensure that the offspring hatch at a time when their chances for survival are greatest. When the male seahorses ejects them from his pocket, the young are fully formed small versions of the adults and must defend themselves. The parents do not have any part in their offspring lives after birth.

E-Learning Assignment Part 2 (REG NO. 31-39)

1. Explain what is wrong with the design.
From the picture , i can see that the water dam is too close to the village . This is very bad because if it were to collapse,
the water collected from the dam would travel towards the village. This means that village would be destroyed. The dam has a high
tendency to collapse due to the high amount of water it holds. It should contain lesser water and have a bigger and strong column.

2. Why the crack appeared at the location and not anywhere above?
The cracks appear at the bottom due to the pressure . It has to support the water it contains. Over a long period of time , it
would no longer be able to bear the pressure and give way. Thus , cracks form .

3. Offer a better design with explanations.

The pictures show almost the same design . However , the base of the dam is bigger, wider and stronger. The dam also contain less water.
Hopefully, the dam can hold the water and not have any cracks.

Invention of ball point pens

A Hungarian journalist named Laszlo Biro invented the first ballpoint pen in 1938. He created a pen with the ink that's exactly the same from those that are from in newspaper, only thicker. He placed a ball inside the pen , as the ball moved along the paper , it get ink and transfers the ink onto the paper. However , the it leaked easily. However , through advances in technology , the ball pen is no longer what it is in 1938. Nowadays, pens are easily purchase and doesn't leak easily.

E-Learning Assignment Part 3 for register number 31-39

1. Male seahorses get pregnant! Is this true? How?
It is true that male seahorse gets pregnant. During mating, the female seahorse insert eggs into the males' pouch where the male will then fertilize it. The male seahorse will then carry the eggs until they are fully developed and the baby seahorse will then come out.
2. Sound travels 15 times faster through steel than through the air.Why?
It is due to the compressibility and density of the medium. The molecules of solids are packed together closely. Sounds are created through vibrations. If the molecules in solids are packed together closely, the sound vibrations transfer faster in solids because the molecules are packed together closely. Air molecules are far apart, thus, the vibrations transfer slower through air.
3. Infants blink only once or twice a minute while adults average around 10. Why do we blink so many times? What is the purpose of blinking?!
Blinking is caused by fatigue, eye injury, medication and disease. It is also the function that spreads tears across our eyes to get rid of irritants. The reason why infants blink more than adults is because that they have smaller eyes and they have more sufficient sleep than adults. Also, infants cannot produce tears in the first month when they are born.
4. French kissing involves all 34 muscles in the face. Really? Which 34 muscles on the face? Show me a diagram and explain how it works!
It involves the lips and the cheeks. It also involves the tongue because french kiss is a kiss which they "merge" two souls together.


The damp is not strong enough to hold the water.. Mr Dinesh must built stronger damp to hold the water... the bottom part the damp must be more thicker and wider as compare to the top part of the damp. I suggest you built the damp like this.


Hi there!

For the last part of your assignment,

Research the internet to answer the following questions:

1. Male seahorses get pregnant! Is this true? How?

2. Sound travels 15 times faster through steel than through the air.Why?

3. Infants blink only once or twice a minute while adults average around 10. Why do we blink so many times? What is the purpose of blinking?!

4. French kissing involves all 34 muscles in the face. Really? Which 34 muscles on the face? Show me a diagram and explain how it works!

Your post should be a continuous one and it should be not more than 200 words. Remember! No cut copy or paste! Summarize the information you have gotten in your own words and Answer the questions!

Add the link to the websites you have visited to get your information!

You will be marked for the quality of your research through your posting and how well you answer your questions!

The deadline for this last part of the e-learning assignment is 15 th April 2010, 2359 hrs. An postings after 2359 will not be marked and a zero mark will be awarded!

Last warning! NO CUT, COPY & PASTE!

Mr Dinesh

E-learning assignment Part 2. Reg. 04

Question: what would happen if the freezing point of water became 10 degrees C?

credits; as labeled:

The ice will float, covering the water underneath it.

In the colder countries like Korea, China and Taiwan, their water supply may be cut off as the water has already been frozen. There are more colder countries like Greenland and Canada. These countries may be freeze permanently as their average temperature is about -5.6 .

Water is the most abundant compound on Earth, constituting around 70 percent of the planet. If the water on Earth is to be freeze, the water for drinking will be lesser.


Hi there!

For the last part of your assignment,

Research the internet to answer the following questions:

1. Why does the sun make your skin dark but your hair light?

2. If vegetables have no fat, why is vegetable oil all fat?

3. Cockroaches are one tough animal. If you cut the head off of a cockroach, it could live for a month without it. And don't try drowning it. The cockroach can hold its breath for 40 minutes!
Find out why & how does the cockroach do that!

Your post should be a continuous one and it should be not more than 200 words. Remember! No cut copy or paste! Summarize the information you have gotten in your own words and Answer the questions!

Add the links of the websites you visited to get your information!

You will be marked for the quality of your research through your posting and how well you answer your questions!

The deadline for this last part of the e-learning assignment is 15 th April 2010, 2359 hrs. An postings after 2359 will not be marked and a zero mark will be awarded!

Last warning! NO CUT, COPY & PASTE!

Mr Dinesh

E-learning Assignment Part 2. (reg no. 7)

If the freezing point of water became 10 degrees C, those countries which experience this case might have trouble of having something to eat. Plants don't grow well and chances of survival is very little as one might get freeze to death if not enough precaution is taken. For example countries like the north and south pole, canada etc. are examples of countries that are temperatures below 10 degrees C. In this case too, ice aren't able to float on the water when its 10 degrees C as the ice in turn to become denser than the cold water.