Thursday, April 15, 2010


Question: What would be the effect if a spaceship landed, and the aliens in it estimate that they are 400 years ahead of us. What would happen if they offered us all their scientific knowledge? Would it be good or bad? Why?

It would be good. With their scientific knowledge, i think we, human beings, will be able to live in a better environment. When they shared their scientific knowledge with scientists around the world, scientists will be able to turn a impossible task into a possible one. New inventions and discoveries will be made and discovered. Scientist will also lessen their testing and trial and error through experiment and inventions.

Since Science is consist of three main schools - Biology, Physics and Chemistry. I will explain this into three parts.

For example, in Chemistry. Doctors and scientists will be able develop new treatments for medical conditions and symptoms in a shorter way through Alien. This will help to cure deadly diseases such Aids, Colon Cancer, etc. With this, there will be more hope for the cancer patient. Also, Scientists will be able to create new drugs that are stronger and cure sickness at a faster rate.

In Biology. Through biology we can study deeper and grow our knowledge on the human body and further our medical understanding. This will save millions of lives worldwide.

In Physics. We will be able to deepen the laws of physics. This is very important, especially engineer. It will help them to construct building block to many other applications. It is fundamental to communication systems, the automotive industry, power generation, space exploration, etc. Through Alien, perhaps, it will help engineers to construct many new things that are more stable and benefit us. This will eventually help to develop our world into a highest technology level and turn our world into a better urban environment.

Last but not least, through their knowledge, we are not just gaining something new but also develop friendship with them as well. Also enabled us to develop socially and better ourselves. With that, we will be able to learn something from them. Through friendship, we will also be able to find out more on their planet, their characteristic and habitats.

In my conclusion, this is definitely a golden opportunity for us to deepen our knowledge for science. It is definitely a good thing. If we are going to continue to develop, we must search for a better and more meaningful life and science is the best vehicle to achieve this object. But through the alien's scientific knowledge we will able to achieve our goals in a fastest time and in a shorter way. I believe their scientific knowledge will definitely provides us with a more logical, more factual and more generally rational explanation of the world around us!


  1. With aliens, our scientific knowledge will be improved. But aliens may also harm us as they could be selfish and not give us the right formulae to medicines.(OMG, i'm being stupid)

    There are also some mad scientist out there who are greedy. Out of their greed, they may invent some machines or nuclear which can destroy Earth itself too.

  2. I think humans are selfish.
    They would probably stick needles into the alien's brain.
    do research, and then ....
    i cant think any further ><

  3. I think the knowledge from aliens can really help us.
    But it also may destroy us at the same time.

  4. Aliens can bring both harm and helpful to humans as it can help us to invent better things for our life, but we cannot always rely on them.

  5. I agree with you. We can't just judge when their, foreigners', presence are just for waste. They may be of help to us also especially when the topics says they are 400 years ahead of us. They may have an outstanding ideas and discoveries than what we have now.

  6. However there might be some bad aliens out there, who might give the wrong information to human being? Who knows.
    On the other hand, they might be helpful too.

  7. Yes,it might be good.For example,as you said that we can develop new treatments for medical conditions and symptoms in a shorter way.I also agree that they might destroy us too.
