Thursday, April 15, 2010

E-learning part 3 (17)

No the temperature cycle is the same , it only depends the body area,the time of the day,the level of physical activity. Age does affect the temperature cycle ,as a baby cannot really control its temperature,the baby temperature will keep go up and down and very not steady.The elderly also have lower temperature as they did not work up usually so their temperature is lower.The weather does affect,when the weather is hot our body temperature will rise a little and when the weather is cold our temperature will also drop a little. When raining our temperature will also decrease abit.Yes exercise at different time of the day does affect body temperature ,example like when you do exercise in the morning,the morning temperature is low so when you work upyour temperature will increase but in the afternoon as the weather is warmer so our temperature will also increase.Yes it does,as our mood affect our behavior and if our mood is bad we will eat less and we will feel weak and we will not concentrate more.

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