Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Invention of Internet

Credits; as labeled: www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/internet.htm

The internet is a worldwide network of thousands of computers and networks. Vinton Cerf, an American computer scientist, developed The Internet and Transmission Control Protocols. It was found in 1973. He was sponsored by the United States Department of Defense Advance Research Project Agency (ARPA) and directed by an American engineer, Robert Kahn.

ARPA (ARPAnet) was the first internet, then the World Wide Web (WWW) was developed in 1989 by an English computer scientist, Timothy Berners-Lee.

"The design of the internet was done in 1973. Prior to that, a number of demonstrations were made of the technology - such as the first three- network interconnection demonstrated in November 1977 linking SATNET, PRNET and ARPANET in a path leading from Menlo Park, CA to University College London and back to USC/ISI in Marina del Rey, CA" - Vinton Cerf explained the timing.

In early 1996, more than 25 million computers interconnected with the Internet over 180 countries. It had been growing at a dramatic rate since then.

The Internet Protocol is a software used to control over the internet. Transmission Control Protocol, checks on whether the information had arrived at the destination computer, if it's not, the information will be resent.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. With the internet, we can play online games, chat with friends around the world and so on. But without the internet, we wont have to do this assignment. :)

  3. I love internet it can let us connect with our friend no matter how far we are,we can also play online games and watch my favourite dramas. Although it is only a screen but it can do alot of stuff.

  4. i love the internet as it has become an important part of our lives.We can also stay in touch with our friend and ply our favourite games.

  5. Internet can also allow us to learn from other website which other people share with us about other facts of life. [:
