Thursday, April 15, 2010


Hi there!

For the last part of your assignment,

Research the internet to answer the following questions:

1. Why does the sun make your skin dark but your hair light?

2. If vegetables have no fat, why is vegetable oil all fat?

3. Cockroaches are one tough animal. If you cut the head off of a cockroach, it could live for a month without it. And don't try drowning it. The cockroach can hold its breath for 40 minutes!
Find out why & how does the cockroach do that!

Your post should be a continuous one and it should be not more than 200 words. Remember! No cut copy or paste! Summarize the information you have gotten in your own words and Answer the questions!

Add the links of the websites you visited to get your information!

You will be marked for the quality of your research through your posting and how well you answer your questions!

The deadline for this last part of the e-learning assignment is 15 th April 2010, 2359 hrs. An postings after 2359 will not be marked and a zero mark will be awarded!

Last warning! NO CUT, COPY & PASTE!

Mr Dinesh

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