Thursday, April 15, 2010

E-Learning Assignment Part 3 for register number 31-39

1. Male seahorses get pregnant! Is this true? How?
It is true that male seahorse gets pregnant. During mating, the female seahorse insert eggs into the males' pouch where the male will then fertilize it. The male seahorse will then carry the eggs until they are fully developed and the baby seahorse will then come out.
2. Sound travels 15 times faster through steel than through the air.Why?
It is due to the compressibility and density of the medium. The molecules of solids are packed together closely. Sounds are created through vibrations. If the molecules in solids are packed together closely, the sound vibrations transfer faster in solids because the molecules are packed together closely. Air molecules are far apart, thus, the vibrations transfer slower through air.
3. Infants blink only once or twice a minute while adults average around 10. Why do we blink so many times? What is the purpose of blinking?!
Blinking is caused by fatigue, eye injury, medication and disease. It is also the function that spreads tears across our eyes to get rid of irritants. The reason why infants blink more than adults is because that they have smaller eyes and they have more sufficient sleep than adults. Also, infants cannot produce tears in the first month when they are born.
4. French kissing involves all 34 muscles in the face. Really? Which 34 muscles on the face? Show me a diagram and explain how it works!
It involves the lips and the cheeks. It also involves the tongue because french kiss is a kiss which they "merge" two souls together.

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