Wednesday, April 14, 2010

E Learning Part 2

The picture above shows an imaginary creature with webbed feet. This tells me that the creature is probably a good swimmer and lives in the sea. This creature is also probably a carnivore as it has big wide ears and a long nose to lead it to its prey. It also has a long tongue similar to a frog or a lizard, and sharp teeth. The spikes on its back are similar to a hedgehog's. It is probably used for defense from other predators. Being a carnivore, this creature probably plays the role of a predator.



  1. The creature is not very tall and it can hide itself away from it's prey. It can then watch the prey from afar and decide when to pound on it.

  2. i think this creature is very scary although it is not very tall. because it can hunt for is prey due to the wide ears,long nose and sharp teeth.
