Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Invention of explosives

An explosive is a substance or a device that produces a volume of rapidly expanding gas that exerts sudden pressure on its surroundings.It is unknown who invented the first explosive black powder. Black powder also known as gunpowder is a mixture of saltpeter (potassium nitrate), sulfur, and charcoal (carbon). It originated in China around the tenth century and was used in fireworks and signals. Black powder is the oldest form of a ballistic propellant and it was used with early muzzle-type firearms. Being a mechanical explosive that is messy, black powder was eventually replaced by cleaner smokeless powder explosives. Here are the examples of different people who discovered different types of explosives:Nitrocellulose
In 1846, Chemist Christian Schonbein discovered nitrocellulose or guncotton when he accidently spilled an acid mixture on a cotton apron and the apron exploded.
In 1863, TNT or Trinitrotoluene was invented by German chemist Joseph Wilbrand. It is considered a high explosive.

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