Thursday, April 15, 2010


There is a difference in asymmetry between sexes. Not only between sexes, everybody differs in asymmetry and their behaviour. People also differ in the way they sovle problems and this behaviour is called their intellectual or cognitive . The brain is the centre for dealing problems, therefore there must be some way in which brains differ slightly from one person to another. Difference between the left and right hemispheres is that the left hemisphere is important for all forms of communications. The right hemisphere does not involve much in communication but it can help us to understand words to some extent. It specializes in receiving and analysing information. The temporal lobe (in the lower part of the hemisphere) analyses much of the auditory input, while the occipital and parietal lobes (in the rear and upper regions) provide information about where objects are. The frontal lobes in each hemisphere seem to be important in planning our actions.Age do not affect the asymmetry facial expression. Research has proved that culture is a determining factor to facial emotions.These cultural differences are also noticeable in computer emoticons, which are used to express a writer's emotions over mails and text messaging. The Japanese emoticons for happiness and sadness vary in terms of how the eyes are depicted, while American emoticons vary with the direction of the mouth. In the United States the emoticons : ) and : - ) denote a happy face, whereas the emoticons :( or : - ( denote a sad face. However, Japanese tend to use the symbol (^_^) to indicate a happy face, and (;_;) to indicate a sad face.People have asymmetry facial expressions. Asymmetry of facial expression is common with unilateral lesions of the facial nucleus or nerve in most species. so that means cats and dogs also have asymmetry facial expressions. The results of this study prove that the hypothesis of the left side of the face should reveal more emotional intensity because the right brain hemisphere is thought to be more dominant in emotional expression.

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