Thursday, April 15, 2010

Task 2 (23)

1)Sunlight has the property to bleach wood, decompose plastic and lighten your hair because sunlight breaks down the molecular layers that absorbs the light and heat. The skin darkens because the natural tanning that occurs is a safety measure to keep the skin from doing the same, breaking down. People who live in more sunny areas get darker skin than those who live in less sunny environments due to clouds, etc. People who live in hotter climates get more curly hair and a more open nose as an end result to reduce heat.

2)oil from plants are mainly extracted from their seeds.

3) The reason that they can hold its breathe so long is that, they shut the holes on it's surface and stop breathing.Cockroaches do not breathe using their mouths. Instead, they breathe through a system of tubes attached to the surface of their body. They only die being unable to eat without a head.

Keith 3e3 23

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