Thursday, April 15, 2010

E-Learning Part 2

The animal looks abit like a frog, as it has webbed feets. The feets enable the animal to swim faster than normal aquatic animals. It seems to have spikes on the back of the body, and probably it is to prevent animals from attacking it. It also have a long tail behind, it might help the animal to swim faster. It also had large ears like elephants, it probably can cool down the heat of the animal. It has a long nose and probably can smell its prey from long distance. The height of it is 50cm so it can be quite small as compared to a standing human. It has a long tongue, which looks like a frog, it probably eats the insect. From the appearance, it looks like it live in a swamp or dense area, as it has webbed feets to swim faster and long tongue to eat its prey such as flies. It is probably the predator of flying insects and the predator probably is crocodile. So, i feel that this animal looks weird. Yong Hao.


  1. maybe it has mutated and evolved to be a monster. But it sure look weird.

  2. what if other animals attack the monster even though it has spikes on its body? you didn't mention about the defending itself part.. haha
