Thursday, April 15, 2010

E Learning part 3. (Reg. 29)

1. Why does the sun make your skin dark but your hair light?

From my research, I've found out that there is a chemical in our skin called melanin. This chemical is released when or skin is exposed to the sun. This is the main reason why there are people who are tanner than others. Melanin is also found in our hair. As our hair has dead cells, the sun bleaches and destroys the melanin in our hair, making it lighter. As our skin is alive, it responds more to the sun by producing more melanin and becoming darker.

2. If vegetables have no fat, why is vegetable oil all fat?

It is true that all vegetables have fat, but they have more unsaturated fat while the fat found in animals is much more saturated. The fat in vegetable oil is definitely much healthier than the fat in animals.

3. Cockroaches are one tough animal. If you cut the head off of a cockroach, it could live for a month without it. And don't try drowning it. The cockroach can hold its breath for 40 minutes!
Find out why & how does the cockroach do that!

Cockroaches do not breathe using their mouths. Instead, they breathe through a system of tubes attached to the spiracles (small openings on the surface of some animals that usually lead to their respiratory systems.) They only die because they have no head to eat with! The reason that they can hold its breathe so long is that, they shut their spiracles and stop breathing. They do this often on land to prevent oxygen from entering, as too much of it can be toxic to them.


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