Thursday, April 15, 2010

Yes there is a difference in asymmetry between the sexes. However it does not differ only between the sexes. It differs between everyone. Everyone has different facial expressions and facial features. Asymmetry is also dependant on age as slow signs such as wrinkles, bags, fatty deposits, teeth, and pigmentation, which changes with age. As everybody has their own unique looks and features, there will be a difference in asymmetry between different cultures. Difference in asymmetry will not be affected by the difference in culture. There is nobody that will look the same, just alike. Also, research indicates that chimpanzees' facial expressions are asymmetric, with a greater involvement of the left side of the face in the production of emotional responses thus this shows that animals have asymmetric facial expressions. The difference between right handers and left handers are that they use the different side of the brain. Right-handers use left brain and left-handers use right brain. Their facial features will not be affected

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