Saturday, July 24, 2010

How does a magnifying glass work?

A magnifying glass is a convex lens that is meant to be held near an object to see it magnified.When a magnifying glass is held near an object,the light rays are widened before they are focused on our eyes,causing the object to appear very large.In order for this to occur,the distance between the lens and the object must be shorter than the focal length of the lens.


How does a manifyign glass light up a matchstick?

A combustible material,when exposed to heat and a source of oxygen,produces fire. Holding a mangnifying glass so that the rays of light passing through the lens meet on the matchstick, concentrates on the energy of the photons in a single spot and produces greater heat then the heat we feel on our skin from the Sun. Then,flame is produced.

How does a manifying glass works?

A manifying glass works by creating a magnified virtual image of an object behind the lens.The distance between the lens and the object must be shorter than the focal length of the lens for this to occur.Otherwise,the image will appear smaller and inverted, and can be used to project images onto surfaces.

The framed lens may be mounted on a stand, keeping the lens at the right distance from the table, and therefore at the right distance from the object on the table. The latter applies if the object is small, and also if the height is adjustable. Some magnifying glass are foldable (from the handle or stand)


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How does a magnifying glass work?

A magnifying glass is basically a convex lens which works by creating a magnified virtual image of the object behind the lens. The distance between the lens and the object must be shorter than the focal length of the lens for this to occur. Otherwise, the image will be diminished and inverted, and can be used to project images onto surfaces instead.

To maximise the magnifying power, one should hold the lens near to the eye and adjusting the lens and eye together to obtain the best possible focus.

Tan Chee Yoong

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How does a magnifying glass works?

First things first, what is a magnifying glass?
As you can see in the image above, it is a convex lens which is used to produce a bigger image of the object.
An example is that you are trying to read a book.
However, the words are too small for you to see.
Thus, you can use the magnifying glass to magnify to the words, so that you are able to read. The glass is usually shaped in a circle with a handle attached to it for support.

Next, how does a magnifying glass works?
It works by creating a magnified virtual image of the object behind the lens. The distance between the lens and the object must be shorter than the focal length of the lens for it to work.

Source: (

Lighting up matchstick with magnifying glass .

The light rays is refracted when they reach the glass and it is focus on one direction which is the matchstick and the heat lights it up .

How does a magnifying glass work

A magnifying glass is simply a convex lens meant to be held up to an object to see it magnified. This shape bends the light waves of objects viewed through it, causing us to see them in unusual ways. When you hold a magnifying glass close to an object, its light waves are widened before they are focused on your eyes, causing the object to appear very large. But when you hold a magnifying glass out and view a distant object with it, the item appears smaller and upside down. This effect is due to the image being beyond the focus of the lens. The more curved a convex lens is, the greater its ability to bend light and magnify.

How Does A Magnifying Glass Work?
A magnifying glass works by creating a magnified virtual image of an object behind the lens. The distance between the lens and the object must be shorter than the focal length of the lens for this to occur. Otherwise, the image appears smaller and inverted, and can be used to project images onto surfaces.

How does a magnifying glass work?

A magnifying glass works by creating a magnified virtual image of an object behind the lens. The distance between the lens and the object must be shorter than the focal length of the lens for this to occur.
The magnifying glass refracts the ray to a point called focal point. It is where the rays coming from the Sun in a parellel manner gets refracted into the focal area. The heat from the Sun also gets refracted to that focal area. Thus, fire can be ignited through maginifying glass.

light up matches with magnifing glass

Light emitted by the sun is made up of tiny packets of electromagnetic energy.the rays are refracted and due to the rays of light and its ability change angle as they pass through the lens and meet at a specific point.also with the preasence of oxygen,a fire is lit up.

How to does a matchstick lit up with a magnifying glass .

How to does a matchstick lit up with a magnifying glass .

A magnifying glass can be used to focus light into one direction.
This allows us to use the magnifying glass to light up a matchstick inside of using the usual method.

However , it is necessary to hold the magnifier at the distance of it's focal length. Using trial & error will help to achieve the best result.

The head of the match stick contains either phosphorus or phosphorus sesquisulfide , once light is directly focused on it, the molecues inside will start to vibrate. Vibrations means that the tip of the matchstick will get a lot of movement & it will ignite.

How can a match stick be light up with a magnifying glass? (REGISTER NO. 24)

Firstly, you need to know how a magnifying glass works.

A magnifying glass is a convex lens. That means that the magnifying glass consists of two sides of glass and that it is thicker in the middle than the outer edges. That shape of the glass distorts the way we see the image on the other side.

How the image gets distorted is because of the rays that was refracted. The rays are refracted to a focused area called focal point. As we look at the magnifying glass, it is of course magnified. It is the bending of light.

So how did the matchstick get lit up? HOW?!
There is only one simple concept behind this. As the light rays gets refracted to one point, so is the heat. The parellel heat and light rays from the sun got refracted into the focal point through the lens. Thus, lighting up a matchstick.

How does a magnifying glass light up a matchstick

The magnifying glass uses a convex lens.Therefore,when beams of light passes through the lens,it will be focus onto a focal point.As the tip of the matchstick is made up of flammable chemical,a single point of light will cause the temperature to be high enough to have a chemical reaction with the matchstick,thus lighting it up.

Monday, July 19, 2010

How to light up a match stick using a magnifying glass

Angle the lens towards the sun in order to focus the beam into as small an area as possible. The sun ray will focus into one focal point.
Put the match stick under the spot and the heat will soon light up the match stick.

How does a matchstick light up by using a magnifying glass ?

Light emitted by the sun is made up of photons, tiny packets of electromagnetic energy. Photons behave both as particles and waves. This quality is important because the nature of photons means that they are refracted when they pass through different media. The lens of a magnifying glass is curved to refract light particles in such a way that the eye perceives a larger image. A magnifying glass causes rays of light to change angle as they pass through the lens and meet at a specific point, focusing the energy of the photons. A combustible material, when exposed to heat and a source of oxygen, produces fire. Holding a magnifying glass so that the rays of light passing through the lens meet on a dry, flammable item, such as a piece of paper, concentrates the energy of the photons in a single spot and produces greater heat than the heat we feel on our skin from the sun.

How does a matchstick be lit up by using a magnifying glass?

The answer is simple.
However, to do this, the focal point of the lens (of the magnifying glass) has to be at the right spot, like the image below. Just make sure that to hold the magnifying glass at the correct distance, so that there will be a huge amount of light going to the tip of the matchstick. The correct distance is when the bright dot is really small and where you can see a full circle on the matchstick.

How does a match stick light up by using magnifying glass.

The magnifying glass is a convex lens. It can be used to make the obeject look bigger or a concentrator of the sun rays for heating and fire lighting purposes. When the magnifying glass is place on top of the match, it would form a small point of light on the tip of the match stick. If the match stick is dry, together with the strong sun rays and the focal strength of the lens is adequate, the match stick will ignite as sufficient amount of heat and light is needed to ignite the match stick.

How does a magnifying glass light up a match stick

A magnifying glass is a convex lens. It can light up a match stick using the sun's light ray. The glass will concentrate the sun’s rays into a much smaller focal point causing that area to heat up very quickly. When the match stick gets heated up, it will ignite. The magnifying glass is also able to burn other materials.

How does a match stick be lit up with a magnifying glass?

A magnifying glass has a convex or converging lens. When a parallel beam of light passes through the lens, the light is brought to a focus point. Light that enter the lens at a single point are sufficient to raise the temperature and the temperature is high enough for a chemical reaction to occur.

To lit up the match stick, hold your magnifying glass at a comfortable direction and slighty 0.5m - 1.0m away from the match stick. Try adjusting the glass to redirect the sunlight and focus it directly on the black head of the match stick. Try not to move your hands and if you are lucky enough, with the strong sunlight, within a minute you can lit up your match stick!

Believe it or not, check out the below video!

Magnifying glass

How does a matchstick light up by using a magnifying glass?

Wikipedia's scientist version:
The sun emits a particle known as a photon.
It carries visible light to earth.
These photons contain energy, which radiate in the form of heat.
When you put a magnifying glass in the paths of these photons,
the convex lense of glass narrows and focuses the photons,
making them converge on a narrower point then if the lense wasn't there.
This concentration of photons concentrates the heat that they emit,
heating the matchstick up until it ignites at a certain temperature (about 451 degrees F).

Kimberly' simplified version:
The sun emits photons.
which carries light and contains heat energy.

When the magnifying lense gets in the way of the photons,
the convex lense of glass narrows and focuses the photons.

All the focused heat energy causes the object to catch fire.

you got fire (:

It's amazing how scientists find out stuff like this isn't it?

drawing-DONE BY ME!

How does a match stick be lit up with a magnifying glass?

It is actually possible to lit up a matchstick with a magnifying glass.
When we focus the light rays at one particular point of the magnifying glass, and it will pass through, reaching on the tip of the matchstick.
The heat and friction caused by the light rays will heat up the matchstick.

Matchstick is made up of solidified mixture of flammable chemicals.
The matchstick is able to light up because,the friction caused generates enough heat to ignite the chemical and produce a small flame.

how does a magnifying glass light up a match

A magnifying glass is basically a convex lens to focus on a point . It works by creating a magnified virtual image of an object behind the lend . Therefore if we try to focus the light ray from the sun to a match stick . The light ray will then ignite the match .
Keng wai [ 3e3 ]

How does a matchstick light up with a magnifying glass

It is possible to light up a match with the use of a magnifying glass instead of the normal way we use it. When sunlight enters the glass pane of the magnifying glass, it bends and it is focused at one point. Thus, the beam of the light is focused and the energy of heat is very high. If the beam of light is focused on the tip of the match, the match would be able to light up. This method can only be used if the source of energy is the sunlight instead of normal light lamps. By adding some water onto the lens, it will intensify the beam thus, the focused beam is more empowered and the match would catch fire more easily.

igniting a matchstick using a magnifying glass

athe magnifying glass is able to focus all the light energy to a single point.when the magnifying glass focuses the light rays of the sun at the matchstick,after a certain period of time,the matchstick will ignite.the magnifying glass is also able to burn many other things like paper, leaf,grass and even insects like ants.

How does a match stick be lit up with a magnifying glass?

With a magnifying glass, we are able to focus the sun rays onto a point.
When we place the head of the matchstick on the focus point,
the heat from the rays will light the match stick, causing it to light up.

The head of the match stick contains either phosphorus or phosphorus sesquisulfide,
which will ignite with the heat created from friction or just direct heat.
The sun rays focusing on the head of the match stick is high enough to ignite it.

The above picture is an example of how a magnifying glass is able to focus onto a point,
which is the butterfly.

Picture taken from

Tan Chee Yoong

How does the matchstick lit up using a magnifying glass

By using a magnifying glass , it is possible to lit up a matchstick. determine the focal length of the magnifying glass, the heat from the sun is than shone onto the focal point of the magnifying glass whereby all the light rays are concentrated at the focal point of the magnifying glass. this is where all the heat is intense and have high temperature. after a period of time, the matchstick will then be able to be lit up by the sun.

How does a matchstick get ignited by a magnifying glass?

To burn a matchstick using a magnifying glass, it is important to have the sun shining brightly so the we can concentrate its rays through the glass and onto the tip of the matchstick. This will cause the tip of the matchstick to burn.

How does a matchstick light up with a magnifying glass

Light which enters the magnifying glass are focus at a point . The focused sunlight which comes out of the magnifying glass have high energy. Thus, if the focused sunlight ray is pointed at the tip of the matchstick which contains phosphorus sesquisulfide as the active ingredient and gelatin as a binder, the match head would light up without the use of friction. This is due to the intense heat focused at one point .

Hoe does a matchstick be light up with a magnifying glass.
According to my research:

Sunlight can be used as a focus at a point with the assist of a magnifying glass and when we place the match stick at that focus point,the match stick can get enough heat and it will light up.

Because friction produces heat so when the match stick strike against the the match box,the match stick lights up.

However without the match box,using the magnifying glass,the magnifying glass concentrates the heat and the light of the sun on the tip of the match stick,the tip of the match stick became hot and it light up.

How does a matchstick be lite up with a magnifying glass?

Firstly, let me introduce to you of what is a magnifying glass. A magnifying glass is a convex lens which is used to produce a magnified image of an object.

How does it work? It works by creating a virtual magnified image of an object behind the lens.

Well, referring to today's post: How does a matchstick be lite up with a magnifying glass?

According to my researches on the Internet, I have found some appropriate answers for today's post!

By focusing the rays of the Sun on a pile of dry leaves, grass or grass roots, a fire can be started. :-)