Monday, July 19, 2010

Magnifying glass

How does a matchstick light up by using a magnifying glass?

Wikipedia's scientist version:
The sun emits a particle known as a photon.
It carries visible light to earth.
These photons contain energy, which radiate in the form of heat.
When you put a magnifying glass in the paths of these photons,
the convex lense of glass narrows and focuses the photons,
making them converge on a narrower point then if the lense wasn't there.
This concentration of photons concentrates the heat that they emit,
heating the matchstick up until it ignites at a certain temperature (about 451 degrees F).

Kimberly' simplified version:
The sun emits photons.
which carries light and contains heat energy.

When the magnifying lense gets in the way of the photons,
the convex lense of glass narrows and focuses the photons.

All the focused heat energy causes the object to catch fire.

you got fire (:

It's amazing how scientists find out stuff like this isn't it?

drawing-DONE BY ME!

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