Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mirrors .

1) About 3 images are produced .

2)The larger the angle , the number or images will be reduced .

3) Different mirrors reflect different kind of image due to the present of Convex/Concave mirrors , which change the image produced .

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Physics graded assignment

1)How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90(degrees)?

There should be 2-3 images as more images are produced if the angles are smaller.

2) What happens to the images of this angle if it is bigger than 90(degrees)?

The number of images produced will decrease.

3) How do mirrors produce funny images?

This is because of mirrors known as convex and concave mirrors. Convex mirrors bulge outwards therefore making us look fatter while Concave mirrors bulge inwards making us look thinner.

Taken from:


added on homework.
Hand in by the next physics lesson, 4 may.

Physics workbook
Exercise 12.1 and 12.2


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Physics graded assignment(mirrors)

1)How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90(degrees)?

There will be at least 3 images reflected as the smaller the angle the more the images.

2) What happens to the images of this angle if it is bigger than 90(degrees)?

When the angle is bigger,there will be less image .

3) How do mirrors produce funny images?

It produce funny images because of concave and convex mirrors.
As concave mirror are spherical mirror,so when a person stand in front of it,the person will looked fat.
However convex mirror is totally different,convex mirror are curved mirror , it will let the person look thinner and skinnier when the person stood in front.
1)when two mirrors are placed at a 90 degree angle,there would first be 2 images,one from the first mirror and the second image from the second mirror.the other two images are reflections from the first two images.

2)if the bigger the angle,the lesser images there are.when the angle is 180 degrees which means it is a straight line,there would be only one image.

3)funny images can only be made by a concave or convex mirror.when this two mirrors are made into a single mirror,the combination of this two mirrors would form funny images.thus,when the two mirrors are formed into one,this is the result of you looking long or fat in the mirror.

Physics Graded Assignment [Number 39]

1) How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90(degrees)?
When an object is placed between two mirrors that are placed at an angle which is lesser than 90degrees, there would be a minimum of 3 images formed. This is because light would reflect and bounce between the mirrors before it reaches your eye. Thus, the smaller the angle, the more images you see.

2) What happens to the images of this angle is it is bigger than 90(degrees)?
This is the exact opposite of having angles smaller than 90degrees. This means that the bigger the angle, the lesser images you see

3) How do mirrors produce funny images?
Different shapes of mirrors have different properties.
Convex = Convex mirrors are also curved mirrors, but the silvered surface bulges outward instead of inward.
Concave = Concave are spherical mirror.
When a person stands in front of a convex mirror, he/she would look thinner & slimmer .For a concave mirror, it would be the exact opposite.

Networking project for chemistry (Register no. 25)

1 ) Microwaved food is believed to contain microwaves. How safe is microwaved food ?


1) Microwaved food is safe to eat but consuming it too much will cause health problems to our body. Microwaved food contains high amounts of fat and salt, which can lead to obesity. There are also radioactive waves used to heat up the food. As the waves pass through water, it reacts with it to get heat, this heat is used to cook the food. So it is best not to eat microwaved food so often.

Networking project for chemistry (Register no. 24)

1)How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90(degrees)?

If an object is placed infront of the mirror which is around 45 degree, it will show 7 to 8 images. If you place the mirrors at an angle lesser than 45degree, you get to see approximately 9 to 10 images. This means that the lesser the angle of the two mirrors, the more image will be shown on the mirror.

2) What happens to the images of this angle if it is bigger than 90(degrees)?

As mentioned ealier, lesser than 45 degree angle of the two mirror show 9 to 10 images, mirror placed at 45degree angle will show 7 to 8 images. In this manner, you can see that the more the degree angle of the mirror, the lesser images were formed. So if it is more than 90 degree, the images shown will be decreased.

3) How do mirrors produce funny images?

There are three types of mirror. Only two types of them produces wierd and funny images. It is the concave and convex mirrors. Both types of mirror has an axis is at the middle. Concave mirrors are mirrors that are bent in around the axis area. Due to this pattern, the light shone on it will be reflected towards point F as shown on the picture below.

The other type of mirror is a convex mirror, the area around the axis is bent out. Due to this opposite pattern of a concave, its property about light will be opposite too. Instead of bending inwards, the light will be bent outwards

Physics Graded Assignment (reg 11).

1) How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90°?

For example, if the object is placed at an angle of 45 degrees, there will be 7 images reflected. This is because there is a pattern of the smaller the angle is, the more images can be reflected.

2) What happens to the images of this angle is it is bigger than 90°?

As the angle increases, there will be lesser images reflected. Eventually, as the mirrors are 180°which means that it is a single line of mirror, there will only be one image reflected.

3) How do mirrors produce funny images?
Mirrors of different shapes have their own effects. An example is that the middle mirror is concave and stretches your image sideways to produce a fat version of you. The mirror on the right is a convex mirror and it produces another version of you. The mirror on the left is a combination of both. Thus, you will see different images of yourself.
Sources from:

Physics assignment

Let's get started (:

1)How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90(degrees)?

I could not really find good pictures on the internet.
So i tried it out myself.

As you can see,
It turns out that the smaller the angle,
The more images the mirror would produce.
For example, If I were to make the mirrors closer together,
More 'kim!'s will be reflected.

It's like how more people(object) would go to the shop that has more discounts(angle) (:

2) What happens to the images of this angle if it is bigger than 90(degrees)?

Just like the picture above,
The bigger the angle, the lesser the 'kim!'s.
As for my own experiment,
I did not get more then 4 reflected images if the angle was over 90degrees.

You might think I'm going to add a catchy phrase here.
But I'm not going to.
Because I can't think of anything.

3) How do mirrors produce funny images?

A slight curve along only one axis can make a person look fat or skinny.
To make you look thin, your image needs to be compressed horizontally or extended vertically.
So for those who wants to be thinner, bend you mirror.
If the center bulges out a little bit, you will appear shorter.
but your size will not be changed.
This can make a person look fatter than in real life.
If the center bends back a little, then you may look taller without looking any bigger.

Most mirrors bend over time.
So if you feel fatter/thinner/taller/shorter then you are supposed to be,
Buy a new mirror.

So the next time someone looks in the mirror and says:
"Does this dress make me look fat?"
"I think these jeans make my butt look big"

Just tell them to buy a new mirror.

*extra information*
Ever heard of a kaleidoscope?
It's a tube-shaped thing that allows you to see mesmerizing patterns.
It also uses Reflections from the mirror to create a repeated pattern.
If there were no mirrors in the kaleidoscope,
All you would see is sparkling things.


PHYSICS Graded Assignment reg no. 25

1)How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90(degrees)?

2) What happens to the images of this angle if it is bigger than 90(degrees)?

3) How do mirrors produce funny images?
1) If an object is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90 degrees, there will be two or more images seen on the mirror. As the angle decreases, the more images i will get.

2) If the angle of the two mirrors is more than 90 degrees, lesser images can be seen. This is because the mirrors are not facing each other directly, and it will reflect less of the object.

3) Only two types of mirrors can produce funny images. They are the concave and convex mirrors. When light is reflected on them, the image is reflected into another direction.

Networking Project for Science Chemistry [Register Number 39]

1) Microwaved food is believed to contain microwaves. How safe is microwaved food?
Mircowaved food doesn't contain mircorwaves. Mircowaves is used for heating up the food. The food doesn't literally absorb the mircowaves. Mircowaved foods aren’t that safe. There are many factors that affect this. However, if you consume them once a while, it would be all right and won't harm you .Different studies have shown possible links between microwave food and lowered electrochemical activity in the brain. The radiation might affect the nerves system; these would happen only if they are always exposed to the microwaves. This would result in headaches, backaches, disorientation, and altered brain wave patterns.
Another factor is the type of container to hold the food while microwaving them. Plastic would melt over a substantial amount of time. The toxins would be deadly.
Chemical changes in the food would also be deadly. In some studies, excessive consumption of micro waved food has led to decreased haemoglobin in the blood (the molecule necessary for transporting oxygen to cells), decreased beneficial HDL cholesterol, and decreased numbers of disease-fighting white blood cells. Long term consumption may lead to anaemia, lowered immune responses, and a greater risk of heart disease.

(2) Reports have linked charred food to cancer. How safe is BBQ food?
Only grilling over a high heat is unsafe. Researchers have tracked more than 62,000 people for nine years. They found those who preferred very well done steak were nearly 60 percent more likely to develop pancreatic cancer. Experts say frying or grilling meat at high temperatures generates cancer-causing chemicals.


Physics (#12)

1) How many images an object would have if you place it between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90 degrees?
2) What happens to the image of the angle is bigger than 90 degrees?
3) How do mirrors produce funny images?

1. There will be 2 images.

3. The surface of the mirror is not flat thus causing light ray to reflect at different angle . The image produced will then be distorted.

Physics graded assignment (no.34)

1)How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90(degrees)?

The smaller the angle,the more images there are.Therefore,there will be more than two images forming on the mirrors.It is because when there more lights bouncing beween the mirrors,more images will be formed.

2) What happens to the images of this angle if it is bigger than 90(degrees)?

If the angle is bigger than 90 degrees,different views of the object will be formed.

3) How do mirrors produce funny images?

It produces funny images because when lights are being reflected on them,it will be reflected into another direction,therefore people are able to see themselves in weird shapes and sizes.


1)How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90(degrees)?

when a mirror is places less than 90 degrees, the number of images form is more than two. Because, as the angle is getting smaller, more images are being formed.

2) What happens to the images of this angle is it is bigger than 90(degrees)?

when you place a mirror at an angle of bigger then 90 degrees, you may get lesser than two images. Because, as the angle is getting wider, it will not reflect as much as the angle of lesser than 90 degrees.

3)how do mirrors produce funny images?

Most mirrorsbend over time top to bottom. If seen from the side, there is a slightcurvature in the edge. The top and bottom edges are usually straight. If the center bulges out alittle bit, your height will appear slightly smaller but your width will notbe changed. This can make a person look a little fat. If the center bendsback a little, then you can look a little taller without looking any wider.Mirrors can bend along other axes, but the one described is most likely.

Physics graded assignment on mirrors

1)How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90(degrees)?

There would be more images conjured if the angle of the mirrors are less than 90 degrees compared to the mirrors which are placed at 90 degrees.

2) What happens to the images of this angle if it is bigger than 90(degrees)?

There would be less images conjured if the angle of the mirrors are more than 90 degrees compared to the mirrors which are placed at lesser then 90 degrees.

3) How do mirrors produce funny images?

It is due to curved surfaces of the mirror. It either produces magnified or diminished images of an object.

Physics Graded Assignment ( Register No. 27 )

Q1)How many images would you get for an object that is place between two mirror's placed at an angle less than 90 degrees?
Answer: There will be a minimum of 2 images. The smaller the angle, the more images is produced.
Q2)What happen to image if the angle is more than 90 degrees?
Answer:When the angle is more than 90 degrees, there will be less than 2 image shown on the mirror. However, we can see different views of the object.
Q3)How do mirrors produce funny images?
Answer:Different kind of mirrors produces different kind of images.Convex mirror makes object look closer as it reflects light out. Certain mirrors are created in a way that it is bent in different angles and when light is reflected on them, it will be reflect the light in different direction, causing the image shown to be different in shapes and sizes of the original object.
1)How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90(degrees)?

2) What happens to the images of this angle is it is bigger than 90(degrees)?

3) How do mirrors produce funny images?

1)i would get 2 virtual images of the object.but if the degree of both the mirrors decreases,i would end up getting 4 or more virtual images of the object.
here are the picture results i gathered.
2 mirrors placed at an angle of 90degree

2 mirrors placedin an angle less than 90degree.

2)there are only 2 virtual images.

3)it is due to the concave and convex mirrors that produces funny images of ani object placed infront of it.


Q1) How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90 degrees ? Q2) How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle more than 90 degrees.
When you place an object between two hinged mirrors, light from the object will reflect and bounce between the mirrors before it reaches your eyes. The number of images you see depends on the angle that the mirrors form as you make the angle smaller, you will see more images.
Q3) How do mirrors produce funny images?
Virtual images are images that are formed which are formed in locations where light does not reach. We are hit by particles called photons and when reflected, the mirrors bounces baack the particles. Some surfaces absorb it when it is not smooth so the smoothness of an objects affects the different images it can produce.

Physics Graded Assignment (REG NO. 18)

1) How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90(degrees)?

For an image place at an angle of 90 degrees, 3 images are produced. For an image place at an angle lesser than 90 degrees, more than 3 images are produced. For example, at 60 degrees, 5 images are produced. At 45 degrees, 7 images are produced.

2) What happens to the images if the angle is bigger than 90(degrees)?

The images produced will have different views. For example, if two mirrors are placed at 120 degrees, 2 images are produced. Which mean, the greater the angles, the lesser the images are formed.

3) How do mirrors produce funny images?

Through different shapes of mirrors. Different shapes of mirrors have different geometrical properties. If you stand in front of a concave mirror, the image produced will be stretched and shows a fat image of you. If you stand in front of a convex mirror, the image produced is thinner and shows a slimmer and taller image of you.

Physics Graded Assignment (reg 29)

1)How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90(degrees)?

When an object is placed between 2 mirrors at an angle less than 90 degrees, there will be more than 2 reflections. The lesser the angle, the more reflections there is.

2) What happens to the images of this angle is it is bigger than 90(degrees)?

When the angle is bigger than 90 degrees, there will be less than 2 reflections. The reflection will also show different views of the object when the angle is big.

3) How do mirrors produce funny images?

These funny images are formed by mirror that are usually found in a funhouse. Concave mirrors make us look tall while convex mirrors make us look short. Fat and thin reflections can be seen when the mirror sides are bent backward or forward.

Chemistry graded assignment(REG 20)

1 ) Microwaved food is believed to contain microwaves. How safe is microwaved food ?
It is not very safe as they discovered that eating microwaved food, over time, causes significant changes in blood chemistry, a decrease in hemoglobin and cholesterol values, in the HDL (good cholesterol) versus LDL (bad cholesterol) ratio and in white blood cells, weakening the immune system, and an increase in leukocyte levels, which tends to indicate poisoning and cell damage.

(2) Reports have linked charred food to cancer. How safe is BBQ food ?
Benz pyrenes are carcinogenic particles found in charred foods. Based on studies with laboratory rats, scientists found that ingesting large amounts of benz pyrenes may cause cancer.


Physics Graded Assignment

Q1) How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90(degrees)?
You would see 2 images. When the degree get lesser, more images are formed.

Q2) What happens to the images of this angle is it is bigger than 90(degrees)?
The image produced on the mirror would have different views.

Q3) How do mirrors produce funny images?
There are different types if mirrors. There are plane, convex and concave. The convex mirror reflects light out. So it make the objects look closer. The concave mirror is bend in and it reflects light inward to one focal point, it can show different images depending on the distance between the object and mirror. YongHao.

Credits to ;

1) How many images an object would have if you place it between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90 degrees?
Three. The number of images form depends on the angle the mirrors form. As you make the angle between the mirrors smaller, you will see more images form. The light bounces back and forth more times, and you see more images form on the mirror.

2) What happens to the image of the angle is bigger than 90 degrees?

3) How do mirrors produce funny images?
There are three types of mirrors- plane, convex and concave mirrors. The mirrors are invented to bent in different angles so that when light is reflected to the mirrors, it is reflected in different directions. Hence, it results in different shapes and sizes of the people when they see themselves in the mirror.

Physics graded assignment.

1. When an object is place between two mirrors placed at an angle at 90 degrees you will see 2 images of the object. But when the angle of the two mirrors decreases, you can see multiple reflection of the object. When the mirrors are held at certain very exact angle you will see 4,6,8 reflection of the object.

2. If the angle between the two mirrors increases( is more than 90 degrees) the images will display different view of the object.

3. How do mirrors produce funny images? mirrors of different shape have different geometrical properties. For example concave mirror stretches your image sideway to produce a rather fat version of you. The concave mirror has a reflecting surface that bulges inward. Therefore, concave mirrors shows different image type depending on the distance between the object and the mirror. Meanwhile convex mirrors will produce a slimmer and taller version of you. A convex mirror is a curved mirror in which the reflective bulges towards the light source.

Nur Syakira Bte Zamri 3e3

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


1)How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90(degrees)?
2) What happens to the images if the angle is bigger than 90(degrees)?
2)If the angle is bigger than 90 degrees,the images will display different views of the object.
3) How do mirrors produce funny images?
3there are three types of mirror they are the plane mirror,the convex mirror and the concave mirrors.the mirrors which create funny images are structured in a way that they are bent in different angles and when light reflects on them,the light will be reflected in another direction.Therefore causing people to see themselves in different shapes and sizes.


Due date: 28april2010
Due time: 2359 aka 11.59pm

Answer the following questions.

1)How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90(degrees)?

2) What happens to the images of this angle if it is bigger than 90(degrees)?

3) How do mirrors produce funny images?

All 3 questions MUST be answered.
Max. 50 words for each question.

Please credit your sources (:

I'm not Mr dinesh. I'm helping him post.