Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Networking Project for Science Chemistry [Register Number 39]

1) Microwaved food is believed to contain microwaves. How safe is microwaved food?
Mircowaved food doesn't contain mircorwaves. Mircowaves is used for heating up the food. The food doesn't literally absorb the mircowaves. Mircowaved foods aren’t that safe. There are many factors that affect this. However, if you consume them once a while, it would be all right and won't harm you .Different studies have shown possible links between microwave food and lowered electrochemical activity in the brain. The radiation might affect the nerves system; these would happen only if they are always exposed to the microwaves. This would result in headaches, backaches, disorientation, and altered brain wave patterns.
Another factor is the type of container to hold the food while microwaving them. Plastic would melt over a substantial amount of time. The toxins would be deadly.
Chemical changes in the food would also be deadly. In some studies, excessive consumption of micro waved food has led to decreased haemoglobin in the blood (the molecule necessary for transporting oxygen to cells), decreased beneficial HDL cholesterol, and decreased numbers of disease-fighting white blood cells. Long term consumption may lead to anaemia, lowered immune responses, and a greater risk of heart disease.

(2) Reports have linked charred food to cancer. How safe is BBQ food?
Only grilling over a high heat is unsafe. Researchers have tracked more than 62,000 people for nine years. They found those who preferred very well done steak were nearly 60 percent more likely to develop pancreatic cancer. Experts say frying or grilling meat at high temperatures generates cancer-causing chemicals.


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