Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Networking project for chemistry (Register no. 24)

1)How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90(degrees)?

If an object is placed infront of the mirror which is around 45 degree, it will show 7 to 8 images. If you place the mirrors at an angle lesser than 45degree, you get to see approximately 9 to 10 images. This means that the lesser the angle of the two mirrors, the more image will be shown on the mirror.

2) What happens to the images of this angle if it is bigger than 90(degrees)?

As mentioned ealier, lesser than 45 degree angle of the two mirror show 9 to 10 images, mirror placed at 45degree angle will show 7 to 8 images. In this manner, you can see that the more the degree angle of the mirror, the lesser images were formed. So if it is more than 90 degree, the images shown will be decreased.

3) How do mirrors produce funny images?

There are three types of mirror. Only two types of them produces wierd and funny images. It is the concave and convex mirrors. Both types of mirror has an axis is at the middle. Concave mirrors are mirrors that are bent in around the axis area. Due to this pattern, the light shone on it will be reflected towards point F as shown on the picture below.

The other type of mirror is a convex mirror, the area around the axis is bent out. Due to this opposite pattern of a concave, its property about light will be opposite too. Instead of bending inwards, the light will be bent outwards

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