Tuesday, April 13, 2010


This is a recent invention i have found out in the internet. It is an anti gravity platform that can hover nick-naks such as action figures, engagement rings or toy cars. This anti gravity platform can literally make things float on top of it as if it is 0 gravity. It is said that the scientific concept behind this is very strong magnets below the platform so most probably the platform can only float materials that are metals. This is very fascinating as it is related to 0 gravity. Being in space is probably the dream of many people. Just imagining that we can float on Earth and not have to go to the moon, just makes us look forward to this invention.


  1. Inventions of the telephone
    I have chosen to talk about the inventions of telephones.
    Where would we be without the telephone? All thanks to Alexander Graham Bell who had come up with a very useful idea of inventing them. He invented the device as such to allow us to communicate with anyone around the world quick and easy. Alexander’s extraordinary knowledge of the nature of sound and his understanding of music enabled him to interpret the possibility of transmitting multiple messages just with a twinkling of an eye. Even though he was not the first to come up with the idea of telephones, he was one of the responsible ones for making it known to the world. Through the thick and thins he had went through and never wanted to give up, he succeeded in his inventions.


    Ps: I am not sure of how to post my post, been searching for the entire time and I'm pissed. So i posted here. Sorry.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. LOL @ FIQY

    If use magnets then not anti gravity liao. Its defying the concepts of gravity. But still, its a great invention. =]

    PS post wrong name for previous post. ><
