Thursday, April 15, 2010

37 part3

1. Male seahorses get pregnant! Is this true? How?
Male seahorses do not get pregnant! They do not produce the eggs themselves. They receive from the female a brood pouch (egg sac). The male then carries the egg pouch in a pocket somewhat like a kangeroo's. The male will take weeks before fertilizing the eggs so as to ensure that the offspring hatch at a time when their chances for survival are good.
2. Sound travels 15 times faster through steel than through the air.Why?
metals are solids whereas air is gas.the metals have free electrons and their atoms are packed closely together and the vibrations of sound can travel faster throngh it.In air, the molecules are far from each other and will take a longer time to travel gas.
3. Infants blink only once or twice a minute while adults average around 10. Why do we blink so many times? What is the purpose of blinking?!
it is because our eyes will become dry.
4. French kissing involves all 34 muscles in the face. Really? Which 34 muscles on the face? Show me a diagram and explain how it works!
Yeah, It involves. 34 facial muscles & 112 postura.

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