Thursday, April 15, 2010

E-learning part 3 ( Reg 31 - 39 )

1. Male seahorses get pregnant! Is this true? How?
Male seahorses do not get pregnant. The male seahorses do not produce the egg themselves. But they receive from the female an "egg sac" which he carries in a a pocket similar to a kangaroo's. The male will then fertilize the eggs when  he thinks that the offspring's chances of survival upon hatching is the greatest. When the eggs gets ejected out of the male, the offspring is left to fend for itself.

2. Sound travels 15 times faster through steel than through the air.Why?
Molecules in a solid are arranged very closely together with little or none spacing at all. While molecules in a gas are arranged far apart with alot of space in between. Thus, sound can travel faster in steel as compared to air.

3. Infants blink only once or twice a minute while adults average around 10. Why do we blink so many times? What is the purpose of blinking?!
Our body is designed to blink often. The brain automatically causes a blink when the liquid film that covers the eye begins to cool the eye that is being open in order to replace the lost liquid. The main purpose of blinking is to lubricate and clean the cornea and the conjunctiva which are the two membranes of the eye.

4. French kissing involves all 34 muscles in the face. Really? Which 34 muscles on the face? Show me a diagram and explain how it works!
Yes a total of 34 facial muscles and 112 postural muscles are used in french kissing.
*P.S Could not find any diagrams for this.

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