Thursday, April 15, 2010

E-learning assignment Part 2 (reg 11).

What would be the effect if a spaceship landed, and the aliens in it estimate that they are 400 years ahead of us? What would happen if they offered us all their scientific knowledge? Would it be good or bad? Why?

I think it is good that the aliens are willing to offer all their scientific knowledge to us as their knowledge can be put to good use and better improve our surroundings. Maybe we could invent a rocket or a spaceship just to go to their planet (if they even exist at all). Who knows?

Of course there are advantages of their knowledge. For example, through their knowledge, we can discover more medicine and cures for diseases like cancer. Even with this modern technology, scientists are still unable to cure cancer at the 4th or 5th stage. With that, Singapore would be so advanced that even the other countries with good technology and high speed will be green with envy. The aliens may also be able to provide solutions to our problems with their big brains.

However, every pros has its cons. There are some scientists out there who will get greedy for attention. Due to that, they will invent things that can be harmful to the evnvironment. Say, nuclear rifles. They will abuse the knowledge that they have to create such things just to fulfill their greed. It's not worth it if they are going to end Earth's life like this.

Since there are more advantages, I think that it's good that the aliens are willing to share their knowledge with us, so that we can change for the better, not for the worse.