Thursday, April 15, 2010

Assignment Part 1

The Aeroplane. In December 17 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright, better know as the Wright Brothers made the first successful powered flight in history! The place was Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The Wright Brothers' dream of inventing a flying machine had come true.

It all started when Orville was 7 and Wilbur was 11 years old. Their father, Bishop Milton Wright, gave them a toy helicopter that actually flew. That toy made them dream of flying. Their parents helped them go after their dreams.

Their first flight lasted 12 seconds. It went 120 feet. Their second and third flights went up about 175 feet each. Wilbur flew the fourth flight of the day. It went 859 feet. It took 59 seconds. After that last flight, the wind blew very hard. It blew the Flyer across the sand. The plane was too smashed up to fly again. The Wright Brothers however, kept studying and testing new designs. They wanted to make their Flyer better. After they were successful, they began to teach others to fly, even opening their own flying school. They are will continue to be role models for many out there with impossible dreams of their own.

The fascinating aspect that blew my mind away was the fact that humans could actually have the ability to be in the air, as opposed to being bounded by gravity and stuck to the ground. this was a momentous occasion in history that had lead to other, more sophisticated versions of the plane. another aspect that blew my mind was the dedication shown by the Wright brothers, they persevered and did not give up, successfully achieving their dreams.

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