Thursday, April 15, 2010

E-Learning Part 3

1) Sunlight is able to bleach wood, and decompose plastic. It is able to make our hair grow lighter as the sunlight break down the molecular layer of the hair. The molecular layer helps to absorb the heat and light from the sunlight, without it, our hair would not be able to absorb the heat and light, thus our hair will grow lighter. Our skin darkens under the sunlight is because it prevent our skin from getting whiter, like our hair. 2) The vegetable stores oil in them to act as a source of energy to them. They would use it when they do not have enough energy. Vegetable oil is called that because of it does not contain any animal oil, and the vegetable oil is mostly unsaturated. So it stills contain fats but more heathly. 3) If the cockroach's head is cut off, it can still survive for a long time, maybe even for a month. Their nose also are not located at their head, so even after cutting off their head, they can breath through spiracles which are in each body segments. The spiracles then transport the air through a set of tubes called tracheae. The brain do not control the spiracles, so it can move freely. The blood do not carry oxygen to the tissue and the cockroach do not have blood pressure like mammal so it would not lose much blood if one part of the body is cut off. The cockroach do not need much food when they are inactive. A meal for them can last for about a month if the cockroach is not extremely active. If the cockroach do not have a head, it would just stay at a spot, not moving. The cockroach can swim and hold its breath for 40 minutes as it breath through its side, not their nose, so it is easier for them. YongHao.

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