Thursday, April 15, 2010

Register 19 Part Two

1. Is the temperature cycle different between sexes?
Most human bodies is generated in the deep organs, such as the liver, brain and heart. Humans have been able to adapt to different climates, like hot humid or the cold. However, high temperatures or cold temperatures can place him in great danger or injury (bleeding lips, bleeding nose), heat stroke or even death. Both of the sexes can gain or lose temperature depending on the surrounding temperature around them or climate. I guess I can safely say there is no big difference of temperature cycle between sexes.

2. Does age affect the temperature cycle?
I'm not really sure about this. However I believe that as we get older, our body muscles and bones tends to be weaker than before? That is why we are encouraged to drink more milk and carry out simple and light exercises. But does age affect the temperature cycle? I think age does affect. We can see older people and babies tend to get sick easily; they are the generations who gets tired easily and do less exercises. Overall, i'm not sure about this.

3. Does outside temperature affect body temperature?
In hot conditions, sweat glands under the skin secrete sweat.
This causes heat loss through evaporative cooling as well as a lot of essential lost of water.
In cold conditions, sweat stopped producing. Muscles under the skin contracts and this results of hairs to stand on end and acts as an insulating layer, trapping heat. This will also causes 'goosebumps' like how most people described as when they feel a shiver throughout their body.

4. Will exercise at different times of the day affect your body temperature cycle?
The time of day and other circumstances affect the body's temperature. Estimated, one's temperature tends to have the lowest value in the second half of the sleep cycle. The body temperature also changes when one is hungry, sleepy or cold. Even when the process of thought changes his body temperature.

5. Is there a correlation between body temperature and concentration, mood, learning etc?
Yes there is a correlation between body temperature and concentration, mood, learning and such. As said above, one's body temperature greatly depends on the activities he carries out. Even if he's thinking, feeling cold, hungy, full of rage, there will be a gain or loss in temperature.

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