Tuesday, April 13, 2010

the invention of airplanes!!!

the airplane is a device that allows people to explore the world through the air.it is a very important military device that attacks gracefully in the sky.it also helps us to escape natural disasters like floods and earthquakes.
the first airplane to fly in the skies was made by the wright brothers.both Wilbur and Orville Wright did not continue their education after thier high school and open up a bicycle repair shop.they used to study the experiments and research taking place in the field of airplane development.their interest and passion for airplanes led to the development of the first heavy-than-air plane.on the 17th december 1903,thy first airplane flew.it was a historic day for earlier efforts to macnufacture the plane was unsuccessful.substantial work in the filed of airplane development took palce in the 19th century.However,there was a lot of interestamong people regarding airplane from the times of leonardo da vinci.before the fundementals ofaerodynamic was discovered,airplane enthusiasts followed the ornithopter tradition.it is the machine which uses the mechanism of flapping of the wings of birds.
today airplanes have become technologically advanced.today airplane can carry more than 800 people at a speed of 900 km/hrs.the credit off course goes to the maverick,the wright brothers.the incredible journey of airplane development pays a tribute to the great confucious who rightly said,"a journey of a thousand miles,begins with a single step."

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