Thursday, April 15, 2010

e learning assignment part 3 (reg 34)

1.Male seahorses do not get pregnant.They do not produce the egg by themeselves.They receive an agg sac from the female then the male carries it in a pocket like a kangaroo.It will takes week for the male to fertilize the egg as it is waiting for the right moment to ensure that its offspring has the graetest chance of survival.When the moment is right, the male will eject the offspring from his pocket. 2.Sound travel 15 times faster through steel than through the air because the denser a substance,the faster the sound will travel.Just like how different molecules in the gas affect the trasmission of the sound. 3.The purpose to blinking is to fill our eyes with moisture,so it will not be too dry. 4.It involves 34 facial muscles & 112 postural.

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