Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Physics Graded Assignment (reg 11).

1) How many images would you get for an object that is placed between two mirrors placed at an angle less than 90°?

For example, if the object is placed at an angle of 45 degrees, there will be 7 images reflected. This is because there is a pattern of the smaller the angle is, the more images can be reflected.

2) What happens to the images of this angle is it is bigger than 90°?

As the angle increases, there will be lesser images reflected. Eventually, as the mirrors are 180°which means that it is a single line of mirror, there will only be one image reflected.

3) How do mirrors produce funny images?
Mirrors of different shapes have their own effects. An example is that the middle mirror is concave and stretches your image sideways to produce a fat version of you. The mirror on the right is a convex mirror and it produces another version of you. The mirror on the left is a combination of both. Thus, you will see different images of yourself.
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