2) Reports have linked charred food to cancer. How safe is BBQ food ?
my thoughts and findings:
It is true that the charred food do leads to cancer.this is due to the fact that charred food contains carcinogens.Carcinogens is in any form of substance,radionuclide or radiation. they are angaged in the exacerbation of cancer or in an increase ot its propagation.This may be due to the ability to damage the genome or to the disruption of cellular metabolic processes.simple to explain that they are a type of substances that cause a normal cell to change into a cancerous cell.
cancer had made some people to concerned about grilling and grilled foods.it is a disease that damaged cells of the patient's body do not undergo programmed cell death and their growth is no longer controlled.carcinogens increase the risk of getting cancer by altering cellular metabolism or damaging the DNA directly in cells, that interferes with biological processes, and induces the uncontrolled, malignant division, ultimately leading to the formation of tumors.
when DNA are damaged,they are too severe to repair and leads to programmed cell death.if the programmed cell death pathway is damaged, then the cell cannot prevent itself from becoming a cancer cell.
to avoid the chances of getting cancer,we should be physically present to "look at" the food that is being grilled.it is to prevent the food from being charred and at the same time avoid eating charred food and it will thus,minimise the chances of a person getting cancer.
(1 ) Microwaved food is believed to contain microwaves. How safe is microwaved food ?
Microwaved food is definitely safe to be consumed, but it is bad to have it often, as it contains high amounts of fat and salt. Microwaves are used to make radio frequency waves that cook the food by making the water in it react so that it gets heated up and cooked easily. In my opinion, I only microwave food when I am in a hurry. It is better to avoid making a habit out of it as it is unhealthy.
2) Reports have linked charred food to cancer. How safe is BBQ food ?
BBQ food is safe to be eaten, but it is unhealthy. After cooking the food, there could be burnt bits that appear on the food. Burnt bits of food are believed to be carcinogenic - which causes our cells to become cancerous. To avoid the chances of getting cancer, we should avoid eating BBQ food at all, or we can cut off any burnt portions just to be safe.
Microwaved food is definitely safe if not our government will surely stop microwave from producing.
However microwave are not safe too.
It will be really harmful if consumed in long-term condition.
It also affect the nutrition value of the food and when you heat up the food,the paper,paperboard,polymers products will enters into the food and it is really unhealthy and unsafe to eat the food.
However microwave cooking is what we people alway ignored.
I think some of us will also not know that microwave cooking is actually harmful.
There is also one incident that caused a woman died when a nurse used microwave to heat up the blood for blood transfusion and the woman died of the sugery.
It is also not recommended to microwave a baby bottle.
Although it might appeared cool on the bottle,the milk is really hot and it will hurt the baby's mouth and throat and it will also causes vitamin lose of the infant milk.
There's also research that when you ate microwave food,there will be a decrease in your haemoglobin levels .
And not only this, microwaving also causes food molecules to form 'new life' ,radiolytic compounds.
Although normal cooking also will form this new compund,microwaving created a greater number.
It also show a decrease on Lymphocytes, a white blood cell, when after intake of microwaved food.
So i suggest we can heat food in other alternatives than a microwave.
Microwaved food is believed to contain microwaves. How safe is microwaved food ?
Microwaved food are one of the main causes of diseases.However,most people have ignored that fact over the years.
To know if microwaved food is safe,we need to know how the food is cooked in the microwave.A microwave oven cooked food by agitating the water molecules in the food,causing them to vibrate,which produces heat.Therefore,bacterias are destroyed by the heat,which is one of the good point of microwaved food.
However,it also poses quite a number of dangers to the consumers.One of the biggest dangers is their lack of nutritional value.Food that are cooked in microwave tend to lose water.Therefore,they also lose a lot of their nutrients and minerals.
Toxic also may leeched out into the food during cooking and it may be potentially harmful to the consumer.As more and more people are getting busy,they tend to pack their food.One of the most common type of container that are use for packing microwaved food is plastic container and it may affect the chemical composition of the cooked food,which may results in harming the consumers.
In my opinion,microwaved food is still safe to be consumed.As long as we consume these type of food once in a while,there should not be any problems happening to us.
Below is a video on how food is cooked in a microwave oven.
1 ) Microwaved food is believed to contain microwaves. How safe is microwaved food?
Microwaves can be used to heat up leftovers from yesterday’s dinner or lunch so that the bacteria will die and the food is edible. However, it also has its disadvantages. Microwaves in a microwave oven can deplete the nutrients in food. Of course, it is not at all surprising that microwave heating results in loss of nutrients since most heating methods have the same effect. However, results show that the heating in microwaves have far more greater nutrient loss than other heating methods.
Microwaves may also cause changes in our bodies. For example, once the structure of the food is altered, it is unable to carry out the normal function in our bodies. Another example is that microwave heating of milk results in a decline in haemoglobin levels. Studies have shown that the radiation in which the microwave has can lead to the loss of important nutrients in the breast milk which the newborn baby needs from its mother to protect its body against diseases. Thus, it is not recommended to heat up breast milk for the baby by using the microwave oven. It is also advisable to stay away from the microwaves when in use.
Microwaved food is believed to contain microwaves.
I don’t think so. Firstly all food contains water molecules (H2O). The microwave (electromagnetic wave) is passing through the food. This is only making the water molecules (H2O) in the food vibrate. This process produces friction which is then transform into heat energy and heat up the food in the oven.
How safe is microwaved food?
There are some dangers in microwave food. For example, nutritional dangers, electromagnetic dangers, toxic dangers, chemical dangers, and many more.
In nutritional dangers, the nutritional values in food is reduced. As microwave cooked foods lose water, they will lose many vital nutrients and minerals. This will cause deficiency diseases, because consumers are not able to take in the sufficient amount of essential nutrients needed daily. This especially applies to the preparation of the milk, fed to the infants. If their milk is prepared by microwave cooking, the nutrients in the milk are most likely to be lost, and infants mostly only have milk as their only source of food, so it is not recommended. Therefore, this nutritional danger contributes to the danger of microwaved food.
There are also electromagnetic dangers. Microwaved food are likely to lower electrochemical activity in the brain. Often exposure to the radiations in microwaves can result in headaches, backaches, disorientation and altered brain wave patterns. These were all scientifically proven. Therefore, it will contribute to the danger of microwaved food.
Nonetheless, toxic and chemical dangers. When food is microwaved in a plastic container, toxins may leech out to the food during cooking, and is potentially harmful for consumers. When food is heated by the microwave, there are chemical alterations present in the food. Excessive consumption of microwaved foods can lead to a decrease in haemoglobin in the blood, decrease in beneficial cholesterol and decrease numbers of disease-fighting white blood cells. As a result, these can lead to anemia, lowered immune responses, and a greater risk of heart disease. Therefore, it is a threat to the safety of consuming microwaved foods.
Hence, microwaved foods are not very safe, because there are too many harmful risks to the human body. But, there is also advantage. Microwaved foods will help to kill harmful materials and make foods easier to digest.
Microwaved food is believed to contain microwaves. How safe is microwaved food ?
How safe is microwave food? Some people believe that the radiation produced by the microwave causes cancer. But is it true? Research have shown that the radiation produced by the microwave is non-ionizing(to convert partly to ions). As such it does not have the cancer risk associated with ionizing radiation such as x-ray and ultraviolet light. Microwaves are frequently used for reheating previously cooked food and contamination may not be killed if it does not reach the desired safe temperature. Thus, it may result in food borne diseases. During microwave cooking bacteria will also be destroyed so food cooked in the microwave is safe for consumption. The microwaved food is safe to some extend if it is used correctly. In my opinion, i think its perfectly safe to heat food that are meant to be heated in the microwave. But we do have to take into consideration takings meals that are microwaved are not as healthy as having a cook balance meal-you can control the amount of vegetable etc. For example cooking spinach in the microwave is good as it retain nearly all its folate. In comparison, it loses about 77 percent when cooked on a stove.
Meaning of ionizing is found in dictionary.com.
Microwave food is believed to contain microwaves. While some have agreed the microwave food do contain microwave others in the mean time have disagreed. If microwave food really do contain microwave then the singapore government should already impose ban to ban microwave from singapore. But there has been no evidence so far to support that microwave food would contain microwave that could potentially harm us all. Thus i thoroughly disagree that microwave food do not contain microwaves.
Nur Syakira Bte Zamri (10) 3e3
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
For convenience, few kitchen tools can compare to the microwave oven. An estimated 90 percent of American households have one and most of us have used a microwave to reheat leftovers.The technology has spread around the world, apparently with scant or virtually no research by regulators into possible harmful effects. It wasn’t until 1975 that the Journal of Food Science first cast doubt on the safety of microwaved food. Studies with microwaved broccoli and carrots revealed the molecular structures of nutrients were deformed to the point of destroying cell walls, while the cell structures stayed intact after conventional cooking. There have been few studies since. The only reference to food quality that I found says, “foods cooked in a microwave oven may keep more of their vitamins and minerals because microwave ovens can cook more quickly and without adding water.”A Spanish study published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture in 2003 contradicts that. The Spanish scientific research council found that microwave cooking destroys at least some important nutrients in vegetables. Microwaved broccoli lost 97 percent, 74 percent and 87 percent of three cancer-protecting antioxidants (flavonoids, sinapics and caffeoyl-quinic derivatives). Steamed broccoli lost 11 percent, 0 percent and 8 percent of these compounds. Another team of Stanford University researchers reported in the journal Pediatrics that re-heating human breast milk in a microwave even at low settings can destroy lysozyme, a compound that fights bacterial infections.Japanese research reported in Science News in 1998 said microwaving destroys vitamin B-12. Six minutes of microwave cooking destroyed half the B-12 in meat and dairy, a much higher rate than from conventional cooking.Lancet medical journal reported that heating baby formula in a microwave changed its chemistry. Dr. Lita Lee found that microwaving converts some trans-amino acids into synthetic substances similar to unhealthy trans-fatty acids; one amino acid, L-proline, reportedly converted to a substance that’s reputed to be toxic to the nervous system and kidneys.Russian research reported by The Journal of Natural Sciences in 1998 found that people who ate microwaved food had a statistically higher incidence of stomach and intestinal cancers, digestive disorders, and lymphatic malfunctions causing degeneration of the immune system.Microwaving milk and cereal grains and plants such as root vegetables reportedly created cancer-causing agents. The Russians found that thawing frozen fruits or microwaving vegetables, raw or cooked — even briefly — caused chemical alterations. Microwaving reduced availability of vitamins B, C, E and essential minerals in all foods tested, and destroyed the nutritional value of nucleoproteins in meats. Swiss food scientist Dr. Hans Hertel.
So to be exact, microwaving food isn't good. It eventually kills all the antioxidants and vitamins which are require in your body.
Does burnt food cause cancer? Someone said to me that burnt food was "as dangerous as a cigarette", which is a pretty big claim, so I've been searching the web and some research databases, looking for evidence. The sites I found refer mostly to meat products being cooked with grilling/broiling methods... these methods tend to burn the outside of the meat. It's official. The federal government now has added agents commonly found in overcooked meat to the list of potential cancer causers.
Question : Reports have linked charred food to cancer. How safe is BBQ food ?
Charred food is said to be harmful to us human beings. This is definitely true as research has already been done. It is said that the reason why charred food causes cancer to us is because of one particles called Benz pyrenes. Scientist have found out that large intake of Benz pyrenes will cause cancer after some research and experiments. This fact is exaggerated by other people saying that grilled food will cause cancer thus, causing people to be in fear and dared not to consume grilled or BBQ food. So in short, BBQ food is safe to consume, only charred food is dangerous as it will cause cancerous cell to develop.
1. Microwaved food is believed to contain microwaves. How safe is microwaved food?
In my opinion, microwaved food is safe to be consumed. People have been using microwave ovens as a way to cook their food and nobody has gotten sick from eating microwaved food yet. It is safe, however it is only unhealthy due to the amount of sugar and/or salt they put into the food to keep it fresh enough to be eaten even after being microwaved. Microwaving food is somehow good; it can kills alot of toxins in the food, without killing the nutrients (eg; such as in vegetables when they are over-cooked). Last but not least, it really depends on what you are cooking. Ready- made meals aren't that healthy in any way you want to cook them. A suggestion, if you want a hectic life, you can prepare meals like bolognaise salad perhaps? You are the one who prepares and control the amounts in the dish.
2. Reports have linked charred food to cancer. How safe is BBQ food?
In truth, myths have been exaggerated about grilled or BBQ food has high risk of suffering from cancer. www.bbqmyths.com/grilledfoods.html