Thursday, April 22, 2010

Networking Project for Science Chemistry

2) Reports have linked charred food to cancer. How safe is BBQ food ?

my thoughts and findings:

It is true that the charred food do leads to cancer.this is due to the fact that charred food contains carcinogens.Carcinogens is in any form of substance,radionuclide or radiation.
they are angaged in the exacerbation of cancer or in an increase ot its propagation.This may be due to the ability to damage the genome or to the disruption of cellular metabolic processes.simple to explain that they are a type of substances that cause a normal cell to change into a cancerous cell.

cancer had made some people to concerned about grilling and grilled is a disease that damaged cells of the patient's body do not undergo programmed cell death and their growth is no longer controlled.carcinogens increase the risk of getting cancer by altering cellular metabolism or damaging the DNA directly in cells, that interferes with biological processes, and induces the uncontrolled, malignant division, ultimately leading to the formation of tumors.

when DNA are damaged,they are too severe to repair and leads to programmed cell death.if the programmed cell death pathway is damaged, then the cell cannot prevent itself from becoming a cancer cell.

to avoid the chances of getting cancer,we should be physically present to "look at" the food that is being is to prevent the food from being charred and at the same time avoid eating charred food and it will thus,minimise the chances of a person getting cancer.

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