Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Project for science chemistry.

Microwaved food is believed to contain microwaves. How safe is microwaved food ?

How safe is microwave food? Some people believe that the radiation produced by the microwave causes cancer. But is it true? Research have shown that the radiation produced by the microwave is non-ionizing(to convert partly to ions). As such it does not have the cancer risk associated with ionizing radiation such as x-ray and ultraviolet light. Microwaves are frequently used for reheating previously cooked food and contamination may not be killed if it does not reach the desired safe temperature. Thus, it may result in food borne diseases. During microwave cooking bacteria will also be destroyed so food cooked in the microwave is safe for consumption. The microwaved food is safe to some extend if it is used correctly. In my opinion, i think its perfectly safe to heat food that are meant to be heated in the microwave. But we do have to take into consideration takings meals that are microwaved are not as healthy as having a cook balance meal-you can control the amount of vegetable etc. For example cooking spinach in the microwave is good as it retain nearly all its folate. In comparison, it loses about 77 percent when cooked on a stove.

Meaning of ionizing is found in

Microwave food is believed to contain microwaves. While some have agreed the microwave food do contain microwave others in the mean time have disagreed. If microwave food really do contain microwave then the singapore government should already impose ban to ban microwave from singapore. But there has been no evidence so far to support that microwave food would contain microwave that could potentially harm us all. Thus i thoroughly disagree that microwave food do not contain microwaves.

Nur Syakira Bte Zamri (10) 3e3

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