Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Chemistry Register 19

1. Microwaved food is believed to contain microwaves. How safe is microwaved food?

In my opinion, microwaved food is safe to be consumed. People have been using microwave ovens as a way to cook their food and nobody has gotten sick from eating microwaved food yet. It is safe, however it is only unhealthy due to the amount of sugar and/or salt they put into the food to keep it fresh enough to be eaten even after being microwaved. Microwaving food is somehow good; it can kills alot of toxins in the food, without killing the nutrients (eg; such as in vegetables when they are over-cooked). Last but not least, it really depends on what you are cooking. Ready- made meals aren't that healthy in any way you want to cook them. A suggestion, if you want a hectic life, you can prepare meals like bolognaise salad perhaps? You are the one who prepares and control the amounts in the dish.

2. Reports have linked charred food to cancer. How safe is BBQ food?

In truth, myths have been exaggerated about grilled or BBQ food has high risk of suffering from cancer.

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