Thursday, April 22, 2010

Microwaved food is definitely safe if not our government will surely stop microwave from producing.

However microwave are not safe too.

It will be really harmful if consumed in long-term condition.

It also affect the nutrition value of the food and when you heat up the food,the paper,paperboard,polymers products will enters into the food and it is really unhealthy and unsafe to eat the food.

However microwave cooking is what we people alway ignored.

I think some of us will also not know that microwave cooking is actually harmful.

There is also one incident that caused a woman died when a nurse used microwave to heat up the blood for blood transfusion and the woman died of the sugery.

It is also not recommended to microwave a baby bottle.

Although it might appeared cool on the bottle,the milk is really hot and it will hurt the baby's mouth and throat and it will also causes vitamin lose of the infant milk.

There's also research that when you ate microwave food,there will be a decrease in your haemoglobin levels .

And not only this, microwaving also causes food molecules to form 'new life' ,radiolytic compounds.

Although normal cooking also will form this new compund,microwaving created a greater number.

It also show a decrease on Lymphocytes, a white blood cell, when after intake of microwaved food.

So i suggest we can heat food in other alternatives than a microwave.


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