Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Networking Project for Science Chemistry. Register no. 18

Microwaved food is believed to contain microwaves.

I don’t think so. Firstly all food contains water molecules (H2O). The microwave (electromagnetic wave) is passing through the food. This is only making the water molecules (H2O) in the food vibrate. This process produces friction which is then transform into heat energy and heat up the food in the oven.

How safe is microwaved food?

There are some dangers in microwave food. For example, nutritional dangers, electromagnetic dangers, toxic dangers, chemical dangers, and many more.

In nutritional dangers, the nutritional values in food is reduced. As microwave cooked foods lose water, they will lose many vital nutrients and minerals. This will cause deficiency diseases, because consumers are not able to take in the sufficient amount of essential nutrients needed daily. This especially applies to the preparation of the milk, fed to the infants. If their milk is prepared by microwave cooking, the nutrients in the milk are most likely to be lost, and infants mostly only have milk as their only source of food, so it is not recommended. Therefore, this nutritional danger contributes to the danger of microwaved food.

There are also electromagnetic dangers. Microwaved food are likely to lower electrochemical activity in the brain. Often exposure to the radiations in microwaves can result in headaches, backaches, disorientation and altered brain wave patterns. These were all scientifically proven. Therefore, it will contribute to the danger of microwaved food.

Nonetheless, toxic and chemical dangers. When food is microwaved in a plastic container, toxins may leech out to the food during cooking, and is potentially harmful for consumers. When food is heated by the microwave, there are chemical alterations present in the food. Excessive consumption of microwaved foods can lead to a decrease in haemoglobin in the blood, decrease in beneficial cholesterol and decrease numbers of disease-fighting white blood cells. As a result, these can lead to anemia, lowered immune responses, and a greater risk of heart disease. Therefore, it is a threat to the safety of consuming microwaved foods.

Hence, microwaved foods are not very safe, because there are too many harmful risks to the human body. But, there is also advantage. Microwaved foods will help to kill harmful materials and make foods easier to digest.

And do you know that marshmallows cook faster than other? Why is it so? Check this out at This will also teach us what microwaves do to water.

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