Thursday, April 15, 2010

Elearning part 3 - [Register number 24, Kenneth Chua]

1) People who live in more sunny areas get dark skin than those who live in less sunny environments due to clouds, like in Singapore! Like Thiru! Just joking! HAHA!
People who live in hotter climates get more curly hair and more open nose as a byproduct to reduce heat.
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2) Oil is basically used by plants as a store of energy, just like animals. Plants uses sugar and starches and they tend to be used in more ways than just fuel.
Fats and oils hold more energy, about double the energy. Seeds requires alot of energy to grow, thus, oil is the most efficient storage. That's why oils are usually made from vegetable seeds.
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3) Cockroaches do not ahve blood pressure the way people do. They don't have a huge network of bloog vessels like that of humans, or tiny capillaries that you need a lot of pressure to flow blood through, they have an open circulatory system, which there's much less pressure in.
After you cut their heads off,very often their necks would just seal off by clotting.
They breath through spiracles, or little holes in each body segment. Plus, the cockroach brain does not control their own breathing and blood does not carry oxygen throughout the body. Rather, the spiracles pipe air directly to tissues through a set of tubes called tracheae.
Cockroaches are also cold-blooded, meaning they need much less food than humans do. An insect can survive for weeks on a meal it had in a day. As long as some predator dosen't eat them, they'll just stay quiet and sit around.
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Please visit this website for the video about drowning cockroaches.

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