Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Dear 3E3,

The second part to E LEarning has been posted up. There are 4 different assignments for the different groups. Do the one that is assigned to you. If you find the other assignments interesting and you want to do also do, you surely can! Bonus may be awarded.

Some important things to take note:

1. Your posts must be submitted by 10 am on 15th April. Any posts after that would be considered late!

2. To be awarded marks, you must

a) make a post with regards to your assignment.
b) Comment on 4 of your classmates post. ( one from each of the group)

3. Look out for E LEarning Assignment Part 3 to be released on 15th April at 12noon.

Cheers !

Mr Dinesh
13 April 2010, 1130pm

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