Thursday, April 15, 2010

Asymmetry of the face, head and skull man

There is definitely difference in assymetry between the sexes.This is due to the different lifestyles and different genetic compositions of individuals.As a result,morphological structures-jaws,left or right side of face- would be different.There is no perfect symmetry,just that women has better symmetry in echoism, harmonium and prima copulism in order to attract the males.

As one ages,their cells degenerate and their bodily functions deteriorate.Thus wrinkles and formed,and this would further change the structure of face.

Different groups of people would have different facial colour,facial hair length, etc. For example,sikhs are encouraged to grow longer beards while others don't.

It is almost genetically impossible for any organisms to demonstrate asymmetric facial expression. In living nature, as in the material world in general, there is no completely symmetric or completely asymmetric objects.

Animals may have neural pathways for skills with one hand (or paw) that takes less effort than doing the same with both hands. This goes with humans where we would only need one hand to write.

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