Thursday, April 15, 2010

part two e-learning

What would be the effect if a spaceship landed, and the aliens in it estimate that they are 400 years ahead of us. What would happen if they offered us all their scientific knowledge? Would it be good or bad? Why?

If that kind of thing really happen, I would be lost for words! Okay, the key point here will be, spaceship, aliens-400 years ahead, offered all their scientific knowledge.
I think it is both good and bad. The good thing is that, we might be fascinated by some of the things the aliens told us. Such as, the invention of something that might sound egypt to us. Bad thing will be, we might not be able to apply it in our life! Yes, we are fascinated by all those things but think again. What's the use of all that if we can't apply it in our life? And here, I'm not referring to the complex invention the aliens might have invented. I am referring to something that sound unique yet senseless. 400 years ahead of us. There will be lots of things that will not even make sense to us.

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