Thursday, April 15, 2010


1. Is the temperature cycle different between sexes?

Yes. One-third of the body heat is generated by muscle tissue. Men have more muscle mass than women. This means that men have a higher body heat. The main function of the blood is to keep our body warm, thus difference in blood vessels also affect the body temperature. Women have more constricted vessels. This means that they are narrower and give off less heat, therefore, women have a cooler core body temperature Also, women give birth, when they get cold, more blood will be directed to her core to protect their reproduction organ. And for men, if they get cold, blood will only directed to his skin and his extremities.

2. Does age affect the temperature cycle?

Yes. A newborn baby has difficulty in adjusting his body temperature.
His temperature may be up and down. When he is one year old, the parts of his body that control his body temperature are fully developed; his normal body temperature will be stable. For elderly, they have a low body temperature. This is normal. This is because their lower body temperature is caused by changes within his body and by a decrease in physical activity.

3. Does outside weather conditions affect body temperature?

Yes. When we are exposed to hot weather, our body temperature rises. When we exposed to cold weather, our body temperature drops. For example in the cold environment the body loses heat through conduction, convection, evaporation, radiation and breathing. I will give three examples of the following process. 1. Conduction. When our hand touches an ice, heat is passes directly from the body to the colder object. 2. Convection. When we are standing in cold region, wearing only thin clothing, we will lose heat to the cold environment 3. Breathing. Breathing causes body heat to be lost when warm air in the lungs is exhaled into the atmosphere and cooler air is inhaled.

4. Will exercise at different times of the day affect your body temperature cycle?

Yes. Our body temperature is lower in the morning than in the afternoon. This change is due to warmer weather and more physical activity occurring later in the day. When we exercise, our muscles change and stored energy supplies in the body (mainly glucose and fat) into usable energy. During this process, heat is given off. This is why you can warm up in cold weather by doing exercises.

5. Is there a correlation between body temperature and concentration, mood, learning etc.

Yes. When we are excited, happy, scared, sad etc. Our body temperature will increase. The excitement causes our body to increase the rate at which it changes stored food (glucose and fat) into usable energy. As the energy output increases, the amount of heat produced by the body also increases.

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