Thursday, April 15, 2010

Invention of mobile phone

I have chosen the invention of mobile phone as mobile phone is a must-have tool for everyone. It makes communication easier for everyone. Cliche it may sound, but I think mobile phone is harmful for us. Before I move on with that part, I will tell you more about the invention of mobile phone.

Mobile phone is invented by this two gentlemen, Richard H. Frenkiel and Joel S. Engel.
The big breakthrough came when AT&T Labs researchers Frenkiel and Engel divided wireless communications into a series of cells, then automatically switched callers as they moved so that each cell could be reused. This led to the development of cellular phones and made today’s mobile communications possible.

Even though it is as easy as it is obvious, that mobile phone actually makes our life easier, I seriously think mobile phone is bad for us! The use of mobile phones is a risk factor for health hazards! It has led us to headache, fatigue, dizziness, tension and sleep disturbances in subjects exposed to mobile phones emissions.

In conclusion, I think not all inventions are good for us. Yes, it makes our life easier. But there's a catch; it also makes our life miserable. With that, I rest my case.


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